Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.
After the breach of the Israeli defensive wall and kidnapping of Cpl Gilad (ben Aviva) Shalit on Sunday, , Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has finally said enough is enough.
Mr Olmert has put the army on standby for an extensive military operation against Palestinian militants to free Cpl Shalit and Israeli tanks and armoured
vehicles have been assembling on the Gaza border.“The question of freeing [Palestinian] prisoners is in no way on the Israeli government agenda,” Mr Olmert said during a speech in Jerusalem.
“There will be no negotiations, no bargaining, no agreements.”
Mr Olmert said that Israel would not allow itself to become the victim of “Hamas-terrorist blackmail”, warning that “a large-scale military operation is
approaching”.“The time is approaching for a comprehensive, sharp and severe Israeli operation. We will not wait forever,” Mr Olmert said.
This is exactly what Olmert should have said, and I’m glad to see he’s acting on it.
As of this writing, Israel has attacked a bridge in Gaza in order to prevent Shalit’s being transferred from the Strip.
Meanwhile Secretary Rice is doing her best to encourage Israel to lay down and take this, like the good little dog the State Department and the Administration expect her to be.
Thank G-d Israel is giving the Administration, the State Department, and the international community the finger.
Hat-tip Euphoric Reality.