Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Partisanship is finally starting to eat at one of our most cherished technologies, in fact the technology that supports a lot of others: The internet.
The 22-nation Arab League has begun a
system using Arabic suffixes.

“The Internet is no longer the kind of thing where only six guys in
world can build it,” says Paul Vixie, 42 years old, a key architect of
U.S.-supported Internet. “Now, you can write a couple of checks and
get one
of your own.” To bring attention to the deepening fault lines, Mr.
recently joined the German group’s effort.

Alternatives to the Internet have been around since its beginning but
gained much traction. Developing nations such as China didn’t have the
infrastructure or know-how to build their own networks and users
didn’t see any benefit from leaving the network that everyone else was

Now that is changing. As people come online in developing nations that
don’t use Roman letters — especially China with its 1.3 billion
people –
alternatives can build critical mass. Unease with the U.S.
influence over a global resource, and in some cases antipathy toward
Bush administration, also lie behind the trend.

“You’ve had some breakaway factions over the years, but they’ve had no
relevance,” says Rodney Joffe, the chairman of UltraDNS, a Brisbane,
Calif., company that provides Internet equipment and services for
companies. “But what’s happened over the past year or so is the
of the balkanization of the Internet.”

The Internet, developed by U.S. government agencies beginning in the
uses a so-called domain-name system, also called the “root,” that
of 264 suffixes. These include .com, .net, .org and country codes such
.jp for Japan. The root is coordinated by a private, nonprofit group
Marina del Rey, Calif., called the Internet Corporation for Assigned
and Numbers or Icann. This body works under the auspices of the U.S.
Department of Commerce, which set up the organization in 1998.

Having a single root is central to the universality of the Internet
critical to its power and appeal. Key servers that are part of the
system determine whether the suffix of an Internet domain name is on
official list. If so, the message is directed within milliseconds to
administrator of each suffix for further routing. In the case of .com,
administrator is Verisign Inc.

A single root helps ensure that when people type in a Web address such
www.amazon.com, they all end up at the site of the Internet retailer
matter where in the world they are or which Internet service provider
use. All addresses must use one of the 264 domain names. Any changes
be approved by Icann and ultimately by the Commerce Department.
roots form the basis for rivals to the Internet.

As the Internet’s role grows around the world, some are uneasy with
notion that a U.S.-based body overseen by the U.S. government has sole
power over what domain names are used and who controls each name.
countries such as China also say Icann is too slow in forming domain
in non-Roman languages, hindering the development of an Internet
culture in
those countries.

Concern about U.S. oversight increased last summer when the Commerce
Department persuaded Icann to postpone the approval of a new
suffix to be used for pornographic Web sites, .xxx. The department
said it
had received letters of complaint from Christian groups. While other
countries also opposed the name, critics cited the incident as
evidence of
Washington’s influence.

The matter of control came to a head last November at a United Nations
summit in Tunis, where the U.S. delegation fought off demands from
than 170 countries to give up unilateral oversight of Icann.

More than half of the Internet’s users today are outside the U.S.
Governments increasingly are interested in how the Internet works.
for instance, collects much of its tax revenue online. “The Internet
become a critical part of our lives,” says Abdullah Al-Darrab, Saudi
Arabia’s deputy governor for technical affairs. “These policies should
be left to a single country or entity.”

U.S. officials counter that the Internet is too valuable to tinker
with or
place under an international body like the U.N. “What’s at risk is the
bureaucratization of the Internet and innovation,” says Michael
the Department of Commerce official who administers the government’s
tie to
Icann. Mr. Gallagher and other backers of Icann also say that the
loudest in demanding more international input — China, Libya, Syria,
– have nondemocratic governments. Allowing these nations to have
over how the Internet works could hinder freedom of speech, they say.

Others argue that a fragmented Internet is a natural result of its
growth and shouldn’t be terribly harmful. Governments already control
their citizens see on the Internet by blocking some sites, making
surfing a
less-than-universal experience, notes Paul Mockapetris, who invented
Internet’s domain-name system in the early 1980s.

Icann’s master database of domain names is preserved in 13
“mirrors” –
servers that automatically copy any changes made to the original
The duplication makes the system robust in cases of attack or failure.
of the 13 mirrors are in the U.S.; the others are in Amsterdam,
and Tokyo.

Operating the ‘F Root’

A nonprofit organization headed by Mr. Vixie operates one mirror
called the
“F root.” Working without pay or contract from Icann, he runs his
from the basement of an old telegraph office in a brown stucco
with a red, Spanish-tiled roof in Palo Alto, Calif.

Located between a Walgreen’s drugstore and an art gallery, the F root
building looks unimpressive, but it plays a critical role in the flow
Internet traffic. Powerful servers inside a locked, metal cage
Internet domain names into a series of numbers, called Internet
addresses, helping users find Web sites and send and receive email.
Vixie’s center handles about 4,000 queries a second from several

Mr. Vixie, a high-school dropout, was a precocious programmer, helping
while still in his mid-20s write the domain-name software now used on
servers. He now runs a company that services the software. He helped
the F root in 1994 when he was 30 and helped foil an attack by hackers
2002 that hampered all the mirrors except his and one other. Later he
up with a way to bolster the system by replicating the function of the
mirrors at other servers.

Now Mr. Vixie is turning his attention to what he feels is an even
threat to how the Internet works: fragmentation.

Last June, Mr. Vixie emailed Markus Grundmann, a 35-year-old security
technician in Hannover, Germany. Mr. Vixie was seeking information
the Open Root Server Network, or ORSN, which Mr. Grundmann founded.

Mr. Grundmann at first thought the email was fake. He was surprised
that a
pillar of the U.S.-led system would want anything to do with him. He
explained to Mr. Vixie that he set up ORSN in February 2002 because of
distrust of the Bush administration and its foreign policy. Mr.
fears that Washington could easily “turn off” the domain name of a
it wanted to attack, crippling the Internet communications of that
country’s military and government.

Mr. Vixie says he has no interest in making political statements but
agreed last September to work with Mr. Grundmann by operating one of
13 mirrors. Mr. Vixie has also placed a link to the once-obscure
group on his personal Web site.

The moves roiled the Internet community of programmers and techies of
he is a prominent member. Vinton Cerf, one of the founders of the
says he asked Mr. Vixie on the phone, “What were you thinking?” Says
Cerf: “I don’t think it’s helpful to give visibility to a group that
fragmenting the Internet.”

Mr. Vixie says he sees the European effort as a check of sorts on the
system. The U.S.-backed group will be more likely to act in the global
interest if it knows that users have an alternative, he says.

Twelve other computer scientists — mostly in Germany, Austria and
Switzerland — have agreed to help run the new root. Close to 50
service providers in a half-dozen European countries now use ORSN.
[Making Connections]

For the moment, that is merely a symbolic step. The domain names in
directory are identical to those in Icann’s. Users of ORSN get routed
the same direction as they would have if they were in the Icann system
can communicate with the same Web sites. ORSN doesn’t create or sell
own domain names. If it did, Mr. Vixie says he would quit immediately.
if ORSN disagrees with a move taken by Icann, it could refuse to
follow suit.

“The Internet is a child of the U.S. government,” says Mr. Grundmann.
now the child has grown up and can’t stay at home forever.”

Choosing a Suffix

A company called UnifiedRoot, based in Amsterdam, has taken things a
further than ORSN. In late November, the company began offering
the right to register any suffix of their choosing, such as replacing
with the name of their company. The price is $1,000 to register and an
additional $250 each year thereafter.

The company has established its own root and signed up Amsterdam’s
Airport, among other companies, according to Erik Seeboldt,
managing director. These companies can use their own brand name as a
name to create addresses such as arrivals.schiphol, he says. Users of
UnifiedRoot can also access all sites using Icann-approved domain
such as .com, but Icann users couldn’t go to a .schiphol address, he

“We want to bring freedom and innovation back to the Internet,” says
Seeboldt. The Internet service provider Tiscali SpA, which has five
subscribers in Europe, and some of Turkey’s largest service providers
UnifiedRoot’s naming system.

Some countries with non-Roman alphabets are also taking matters into
own hands. China has created three domain names in Chinese
characters –
.zhongguo, .gongsi and .wangluo — and made them available for public
commercial use inside China only.

Similarly, Arab countries have in the past 18 months experimented with
country code domain names in Arabic, distinct from the Icann system,
Khaled Fattal of Surrey, England. Mr. Fattal is head of Minc.org, a
nonprofit organization dedicated to making the Internet multilingual.

“There is no such thing as a global Internet today,” says Mr. Fattal.
have only an English-language Internet that is deployed
How is that empowering millions of Chinese or Arab citizens?”

Icann is responding to the criticism. At its last meeting in December
took steps to enhance the role of foreign governments in its decision
making and accelerated the development of non-English domain names.

Paul Twomey, the chief executive officer of Icann, says the divisions
reflect cultural differences between nations that operate under a
government hand and those, including the U.S., that put more trust in
private sector. “We are more comfortable with messy outcomes that
says Mr. Twomey, who is Australian. “But we need to integrate other
and languages into the Internet and make sure that it still works as

That’s not enough for some. “We would like the process to speed up,”
Li Guanghao, the head of international affairs for the China Internet
Network Information Center, in an email interview. The center
Internet-protocol addresses in China in conjunction with the Icann
but is also developing the non-Icann Chinese character suffixes.

Mr. Vixie says he joined ORSN to make clear his view that such efforts
continue unless Icann becomes more inclusive. “I realize that this
help unleash the hordes of hell,” he says. “But I hope it will make
wonder: ‘What if there are more of these?’ “

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

John says there’s some info on the way concerning the DB-Interface, although he doesn’t know what the info is, and we won’t find out until Monday.
I’m wondering if there’s a declaration of accessibility in store.
Maybe, they actually are working on it.
That’s what I’d like to believe.
I’d like a promotion, but I’d prefer a return to some sort of normalcy infinitely more.
I really hope this isn’t just someone blowing more smoke.
This would be worse than all the other times because now someone, though not John, is stating that something’s on the way, and this problem will soon be taken care of.
I’m trying not to be pesimistic, but past experience makes that difficult.
My faith in my employer and the client is almost non-existent.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I managed to fall asleep at work today, which apparently is a no-no.
UM saw me nodding off, and John came to my desk and said I probably shouldn’t nod off, and said that if I need to stay awake, I can get up and walk around.
There’ll probably be a meeting about it tomorrow or something.
John asked me if Cary had talked to anyone at the client’s center about the problems on his end, and I said yes.
I wonder if that means some information is headed this way, or if John was asking for his own curiosity, or if he was asking because UM said Cary hasn’t said anything.
I’ll ask tomorrow.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Today wasn’t as unproductive as it could have been.
I spent most of it trying to get the software that allows call monitoring (specifically, listening to calls) to work with Jaws.
No go.
I’m going to play around tomorrow in the system to see if there’s a way around it.
I also tried using the mass-messaging client, and it is absolutely the most inaccessible piece of software I’ve ever seen, no exaggerations.
This insistence on the part of big corporations to have their very own of everything is ludicrous.
I’m hoping we can raise the productivity level soon.
Most of the software seems to work, and I’d think there would be a way to get around monitoring calls.
I’m also not convinced there’s no way to map the drives the calls are stored on, thanks to outside advice from someone who knows what he’s talking about.
I’m determined to either find an already existing way, or to create a way, that will allow me to be productive.
I refuse to believe that there’s no way a totally blind person can successfully hold another position in this company other than customer service representative.
It defeats any ambition one might have of being upwardly mobile.
I’m not going to suffer a glass ceiling because a bunch of other people who don’t even care in the first place can’t figure out how to think outside the box they’ve fashioned for themselves.
Here’s hoping tomorrow is better.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

It’s almost 13:00 hours, which means I’m almost through the work day, getting to the halfway point.
Still no progress.
I had John submit a service request to see if the hard drives containing the calls could be mapped, and we’ll see where that goes.
I’ve mainly been reading other blogs this morning, but haven’t found anything else I’d consider posting about.
When you find yourself mining other people’s blogs for content, whether or not it’s on a subconscious level, your life has reached a very low point.
At this point, my dream is to find a good lawyer, sue for whatever I can get, and get out.
Yes, I know, I’m suffering from dilusions at this point.
At least I’m getting paid to be dillusional.

I’ve spent the weekend importing posts from LiveJournal, twenty at a time.
I’m thankful I had the backup, but I hope I never have to import like this again.
It’s very tedious work, and I’m not done yet.
I’m not taking it to work though.
I could, but I can’t stand the tedium of the endlesss corporate babble on top of that.
And as far as work is concerned, now UM says we’re in the process of solutioning.
Jesus, that guy must really take me for stupid.
I’d love to put him in his place, but I need this job too much.

I’ve got some woman on the phone who ordered two different strengths of a medication, three months ago, and now claims she never ordered it, and we’re just supposed to credit her for it because she never got them.
The replacement policy is that you have to call no earlier than twelve days and no later than forty-five days after the prescription has been shipped in order to replace the order.
She didn’t, so we assumed she got it, and charged her.
Of course, she wanted to speak to my supervisor.
Somebody needs to tell her it’s too bad, she has to pay for it anyway.

Taken from customerservant.com

If only we could have seen it on TV!
According to the AP via Yahoo!, things got pretty rowdy during the latest phase of Saddam Hosein’s trial.
Hosein’s defense team staged a walk-out, Saddam yelled at the judge, and the first witness testified concerning the random arrests and torturing that went on during Saddam’s regime.
Former U.S. Attorney General turned part of Saddam’s dream team threatened to take his toys and go home, but Judge Rizgar Mohammed Amin informed him that if he and his colleagues walked out, then new defense lawyers would be appointed.
Way to go!
And now, some wisdom from Saddam: “You are imposing
lawyers on us. They are imposed lawyers. The
court is imposed by itself. We reject that.”
Something worth pondering, about as much as pondering whether or not chalk has a soul.

Taken from customerservant.com

I’ve got a member on the phone who thinks that, even though prescriptions called in normally take twenty-four to forty-eight hours to appear in our system due to their being entered by hand, and even though prescriptions normally take three to five business days to process before they’re shipped, she’s supposed to just magically get it the next morning after her doctor calls it in, and that we’re supposed to expedite the shipping for free because, (according to her), we screwed up.
I explained that the prescription is going through the normal processes, and that there isn’t any way to speed things along, and she wants to speak to my supervisor.
I really hate it when these people act like they own the world, and they’re going to get me reprimanded because they can’t get their way.
Know what that sounds like?
“I’m telling on you!”
“Mommy, she didn’t give me exactly what I want, so I’m going to throw a temper tantrum!”
Get over yourself!
You’re not any better than the rest of us, so quit acting like it.
OK, done ranting now.

Taken from customerservant.com

Today hasn’t started off well at all.
The alarm didn’t go off again, and the time is set correctly.
I think I’m just going to have to chuck the thing and rely on the Pacmate.
I’ll have to get used to waking up with that alarm.
Then, when I got to work, the system locked up when I clocked in.
I really don’t need that happening because it’s already effected one paycheck.
My paycheck last week was a couple of dollars short, six dollars to be exact.
Then, when I went to put the phone headset on, I found that someone has stolen the little foamy earpiece.
Ghetto bastards!
I don’t have fifty cents to replace it right now.
I really shouldn’t have to replace it.
People should just leave anything alone that doesn’t belong to them.
Is it really that hard?
If they want to steal each other’s stuff, fine.
But leave my stuff alone.
This isn’t supposed to be the ghetto, so don’t act like it is.
Then again, why am I surprised?
It may as well be the ghetto, given the people who get hired out here.
I plan to post about my Thanksgiving holiday later.
Hope everyone had a good one.

Taken from customerservant.com

I need to be sitting here doing blog stuff about as much as I need another hole in my head.
However, I can’t sleep because I’m all stuffed up, and I’m drinking some orange juice to try to make myself feel better.
I’m also washing a load of laundry because I’m going to go to my mom’s for Thanksgiving and I found while packing that I need a few more things clean.
I’ve discovered an inline trackback plugin for WordPress and a Google adcents plugin for it as well, and I plan on installing those so I can test them out.
I’ll most likely finish this glass of juice though and head to bed.
I’ll also make a pot of coffee in the morning because I only have one soda left, and that’s for lunch.
I just started looking around at some of this blog stuff, and those who know me know how easy it is for me to get drawn into some technological persuit I have no business being in at that particular time.
But then, that’s when the funnest things strike: When you really need them not to.

Taken from customerservant.com

I’d really like to shoot the last two callers in the head.
The first one was a grumpy old woman who wanted to jump back and forth between records for herself and her husband, and bitch at me because her doctor wrote her prescriptions “do not substitute,” (meaning we can’t substitute a generic for a brand, even if it’s cheaper, usually for medical reasons), and then she wanted to bitch because she had prescriptions she had no refills on.
The next one was just incredibly stupid.
I’m getting tired of people going “Do you mean the … (insert piece of information: account number, prescription number, order number, ETC.)” when I ask for the ID number.
Is it really that hard to at least act like you’re intelligent?
That’s the easiest part of the call!
Just give me the information I’m asking for, and don’t ask me to jump all over the screen, and then go “wait, I have the ID now” when I’m in the middle of doing a name search or something like that.
Jesus God!
People get on my nerves!
You have to try to be that stupid.
There’s no possible way you just are that way.
I wish this day would hurry up and end.

Taken from customerservant.com

I just took my first call of the day.
They had WolfFM in their background.
If you haven’t listened, you really should.
Steve Wolf creates a very nice blend of today’s adult contemporary hits, along with those of the 70’s, 80’s, and the 90’s.
I’ll shamelessly plug when I have more time.
Anyway, I wish they’d let me listen at work.
I’d probably get a lot more done.
The music’s arranged in such a way to make productivity optimum.
I’d think my employer would probably make everyone listen if they could manage it.

Taken from customerservant.com

I just got done dealing with a woman who decided to call very early in the morning to bitch about how she got two different forms of a prescription, both brand and generic.
Of course, she didn’t send in the second script, and neither did her doctor, and it’s all my fault.
People shouldn’t be able to bitch this early in the morning.
It’s just not normal.
Most of us are still trying to go from autopilot to manual at that point, and we’re definitely not in the mood to put that much energy in to a bitchfest.
That call lasted over thirty minutes.
I really hope it’s not the norm for the day.

Taken from customerservant.com

Since it seems I can’t get this thing to just post the damned entry in full, I’m lying to the excerpt generator thingy and telling it to post up to a million characters. Nothing I could possibly post would have that many characters. I really am not in the mood for this thing to screw me around.