Ward Q. Normal (@WardQNormal@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
This morning brought news of yet another mass shooting in America. GOP politicians quickly responded that banning guns would be impossible and wouldn't solve the problem. Of course, in order to express that view, they had to take a short break from their work attempting to ban (among other things) children's books, abortion drugs, health care for transgender people, and drag shows.

We really need your help Mastodon. They moved up my kidney transplant because my kidney is so bad I may not make it until next month. My best friend needs food in the house and I need to have proper furniture to make me comfortable so I can heal. This is urgent. Throne only lets me add 2 gift cards at a time, so we’re doing Amazon first for furniture. PLEASE SHARE!!
Wishlist: https://throne.com/blackenbylesbo
