Migrating an existing site to Gutenberg, day 1, first note: I’m trying to catch up on the latest with what’s going on regarding Gutenberg, and I can’t help but notice all the noise.

This could be a function of my social media curation, or it could be a function of there really being a lot of noise out there, or it could be a little bit of both.

I’m going to see if I can find some sort of roadmap, although I may need to create one myself.

One final note for this evening.

I’m trying to get John to agree to participate in screen share recordings via Zoom of this process. I figure if we’re doing this whole migration thing, and it’s his idea, he can participate in the work.

I also told him that this is the fluffy bunny stuff he has to do for marketing.

I think he’s still in get-off-my-lawn mode but I’m sure he’ll come around.

First thing’s first. Let’s find some books.

I have a few on React, but I want to make sure there are some absolute beginner resources. So I load yee old QRead, and

I have to re-enter Bookshare credentials because, (on this computer), books stored in QRead periodically get wiped along with credentials.

This is annoying, but I’m used to is, so I’ll get those re-entered and then search Bookshare for appropriate books.

Hey #WordPress am I rangling this correctly and #Gutenberg does not have a link block? Sure, I can type the HTML, but the whole point of Gutenberg is for users to be able to do the web thing without knowing code, and the absence of a link block seems like something that shouldn’t be the case.

Quick tip: If you’re building podcast websites with WordPress, or even a website which has a podcast as a secondary feature, use the Simple Podcasting plugin. If you use PowerPress you’re locked into the Classic Editor plugin with everything that entails, including using older themes.

I’m wondering if it might be worth writing up the experience of using both Gutenberg and the Classic Editor in tandom on a site? Spoiler alert: It’s complicated and it introduces a lot of extra coordination regarding content editing and creation.

Do not recommend unless it’s absolutely necessary.

The struggle is real: Self-serve SEO or pay for page rank? by Laura Legendary
To plagiarize the 80’s pop ditty, everybody wants to rule the world. When it comes to achieving any sort of visibility on Google, there’s not a great deal of room at the top. In fact, d…

A few thoughts of my own.

At the risk of ruffling the feathers of the SEO community, as a blind entrepeneur I’ve found that focusing overly much on the mechanics of search engine optimization detracts from the rest of my business.

Things like Google Analytics, for example, are almost completely inaccessible, and so tracking that kind of data is something I don’t do at this point. I’ve also made a point of not tracking any metrics that prove to be not beneficial, and I’m focusing on creating content that my visitors find useful.

Sometimes, (a lot of the time), that’s shorter posts, curation of resources I use, and (once my writing muscles are up to snuff again), the occasional longer tutorial.

I think that, if you’re concerned about ranking in the search engines, then you will have to be prepared to either spend a lot of money to hire someone to do it for you, (and there are only a handfull of people or businesses I would trust with that task), or you’re going to have to spend a lot of time keeping up with algorythmic changes, along with possibly hiring someone to read and interpret your analytics data.

Things like well-structured content, though, continue to be relevant, even despite the algorythm updates.

Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America
A comprehensive peace agreement is made of four parts: 1. Guarantees and enforcement mechanisms that will prevent the use of the soil of Afghanistan by any group or individual against the security of the United States and its allies. 2. Guarantees, enforcement mechanisms, and announcement of a timeline for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Afghanistan. 3. After the announcement of guarantees for a complete withdrawal of foreign forces and timeline in the presence of international witnesses, and guarantees and the announcement in the presence of international witnesses that Afghan soil will not be used against the security of the United States and its allies, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban will start intra-Afghan negotiations with Afghan sides on March 10, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar. 4. A permanent and comprehensive ceasefire will be an item on the agenda of the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations. The participants of intra-Afghan negotiations will discuss the date and modalities of a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire, including joint implementation mechanisms, which will be announced along with the completion and agreement over the future political roadmap of Afghanistan. The four parts above are interrelated and each will be implemented in accordance with its own agreed timeline and agreed terms. Agreement on the first two parts paves the way for the last two parts.
Focus On Beaver Builder Accessibility - Is the End Product Accessible? by Claire Brotherton
Someone recently asked me about how accessible the Beaver Builder page builder is. Beaver Builder is a very popular page builder for WordPress that lets user

This was written at the end of last year. I’m glad to see the improvements BB has made with regard to accessibility. I’ve given them a lot of criticism in the past and it’s only fair to also highlight when they’ve improved.

Twitter syndication is becoming less and less worth it.

Constantly having to reauthorize Bridgy, only to then have Twitter give me crap because “Hey, we saw a log-in from a different device!”

No you didn’t you morons, it’s me, and I shouldn’t have to keep reauthorizing just because you hate third-party clients.

Headline: “Hedge-Funders Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Doing.”

Me: “Odds are pretty good that at least ten of the hedge funders offering their thoughts were just as much involved with Epstein as the Clintons and Trump and Prince Andrew among others so they should feel free to have several seats.