Summer has a great start on a banner day.
She chased the doves that encroached on her acre until they decamped for the neighboring property.
She talked my husband into grass fed, organic ground beef mixed in with her kibble.
She got all manner of hugs, scritches, and belly rubs.
Today is the grandson coming over day, too!
Summer says it really, really is a good morning, Mastodon.


“Mastodon doesn’t have a search tool.”

It has a search tool. ElasticSearch. Lets you search your own posts, any mentions you’ve received, anything you’ve favorited or bookmarked.

“No, I want it to have a more robust search tool.”

Well, we’re adding a search tool to Mastodon that will let you search everything your site is federated with.

“That’s not enough, I want to search everything”

So you want to search every server, even servers which you might not be federated with, you want to do a lookup against all their content and do you have any idea how much data that is?

Like even when we’re all given the magical “everything” search we keep expecting from our days of searching a single database for all the tweets that exist it’s not going to work the way you want because of the tech involved, and because–primarily–NO ONE HAS ALL THE DATA.


Matt Taibbi Can’t Comprehend That There Are Reasons To Study Propaganda Information Flows, So He Insists It Must Be Nefarious by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Over the last few months, Elon Musk’s handpicked journalists have continued revealing less and less with each new edition of the “Twitter Files,” to the point that even those of us who write about this area have mostly been skimming each new release, confirming that yet again these reporters have no idea what they’re talking […]

Forget A TikTok Ban, We Need To Regulate Data Brokers And Pass A Real Privacy Law by Karl BodeKarl Bode

We’ve noted for a while now how the great TikTok moral panic of 2023 is largely a distraction. It’s a distraction from the fact we’ve refused to meaningfully regulate dodgy data brokers, who traffic in everything from your daily movement habits to your mental health diagnosis. And it’s a distraction from our corrupt failure to […]