Hi all: research from our latest #TwitterMigration informed this interview I did with @mattontech for the IEEE Spectrum Magazine. This is one of the largest tech and software engineering trade mags, and they also shared it to their Twitter following of about 150,000+ developers…

here is the article:

And here is the Tweet, any help retweeting this would be most welcome: https://twitter.com/IEEESpectrum/status/1637091726387978243

cc: @spreadmastodon


Another rainy day in Humboldt.
I am positive our neighbors wonder about why I was out throwing tennis balls in the rain.
It worked, though. Summer was worn out enough for a low-key house game of fetch.
She has learned to catch the ball mid-air in the house and gets lots of good girl feedback from her pal.
We are a fun-loving party til you drop sort of family for sure.


I don’t know what it is about my eyes not working that makes people think I can’t speak.
My wife and I were just out for a walk round the local reservoir and this bloke asked her, probably looking at me, “does she like dogs?”
I said “Yes I do and you could’ve asked me you know.”
I’ve had it up to here long ago with politely just putting up with it in case I hurt peoples feelings. If that’s letting the side down and shitting on the blind community then I’m proud to do so, and want that on a t-shirt.
Anyway I met a cute old Jack Russell, and the walk was lovely if a bit windy. Also I’m knackered now.


If anyone is looking for an instance that caters to #EmergencyManagement #PublicSafety #HamRadio or #GMRS, fediverse.krohsnest.com is open. Registration needs approval, but if you list what agency you are with and what position you hold (for Emergency Management and Public Safety), or your callsign (For Ham Radio or GMRS), I’ll get your registration approved as quickly as possible.


Yesterday, the oldest grandson spent a second day helping out. My husband has been keeping Summer in a medium crate next to him on his bed at night. They both want to be close.
It was time for Summer’s upgrade to a giant crate with a fancy mattress. She now sleeps at the end of his bed with her new friend, the bear.
Thank you, grandson, for wrestling and assembly of said crate.
One step closer to ready for tomorrow’s surgery.
Summer loves her new digs.
