Toot by Darrell BowlesDarrell Bowles (

I think there's a point where self-host all the things breaks down. Specifically when there's either a knowledge gap or time availability issue that is so significant that overcoming it would cause issues in other parts of life, and this is different for different people. But if you can, and there's not a ton of friction that you're unable to deal with, self-hosting is the way to go.

I love it when people discover the joys of self-hosting their stuff. I'm not saying it doesn't require work, and I also understand that it's not for everyone and there really are significant ways the process in general could be improved to make it easier for people to self-host no matter which thing they use. But it still fills my heart with pride and joy when someone discovers on their own that they can exercise their creativity in whatever way they like when self-hosting and they're happy with the result.

You guys, it has been a long ass week. I'm hoping to be able to spend tomorrow wrapping things up from said week so they are at a point where they can hang out paused for the weekend while I engage in some rest and relaxation. For the time being, the beer I promised myself is in hand and the first swallow has gone down my gullet. It's so refreshing.

Toot by Darrell BowlesDarrell Bowles (

This cites the Epoch Times, which claims to have obtained an email which references an alert. However, they do not provide proof of the email or the alert itself. Along with this, the Epoch Times has a history of jumping to conclusions and often sharing outright wrong information, so much so that we had to quit citing them as a source for the World Blind Herald on blindness issues because we kept having to issue corrections. So proceed with a huge grain of salt in your possession.

Me: Sends long email answering all the questions in as much detail as I can at this point.

Them: "sounds good. Does $time work for you?"

Me, in my head: "You little moron, why are you still trying to turn this into a meeting there is literally nothing I can tell you in that meeting that I didn't already say in an email and I really can't stand it when people waste my time just because they need to have a security blanky or whatever."


Get in #babkans and other #fedizens we're doing Thursday.

#Today has been brought to you by: Marketers ruining everything and attempting to turn what can absolutely be taken care of in an email into meetings. I'm hoping the emails are satisfactory because I am just not in the mood to people today.

We put in a tiny grocery order this morning, and other than that are just trying to stay warm while we listen to some graphic audio. I'm working on my third cup of coffee.