Toot by Serge from BabkaSerge from Babka (

@jmb If the world wants Israelis never to vote for the right wing in large numbers, all it has to do is send its troops in and ensure that Palestinian terrorist groups don't have the power to make the lives of Israelis miserable. Also getting rid of that whole thing where Palestinians are perpetual refugees would also be good, but let's just start with the first agenda item. Since the world is unwilling to do any of this, Israelis will vote for whoever promises to rid them of the terrorist problem. Because unfortunately every single leftwing promise, especially from the outside Israel left, has left Israelis holding the bag, with October 7 being the final straw. And this isn't just about Israeli Jews. It's about Israeli Arabs too, who are, by the way, Palestinians.

Toot by Josh Josh (

@jmb @emilyk @serge Also I want to know exactly when "from the river to the sea …" shifted from its traditional meaning of erasing Israel to "Oh we just mean freedom and democracy". Because it still had its traditional meaning when I was in college and this sounds a whole hell of a lot like the attempted hasty cleansing of "America First" When Trump supporters with half a brain realized "Oh wait that has some nasty associations quick let's pretend those don't exist."

Toot by Josh Josh (

@jmb @emilyk @serge The traditional text of the hagadah at least gives a nod to non-Jewish suffering. And even if it doesn't, there are *numerous* times during the year where non-Jewish suffering and/or the general subject of justice/social action is dealt with, even in Orthodox communities. Either this reporter is just plain lazy or his subject is Jewishly illiterate, or both. And don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go around forcing Jewish literacy on people. But when you use your illiteracy to scold the Jewish community because you think we're not paying enough attention to the Palestinians that's when you become someone who just shouldn't be listened to on anything because you likely lack knowledge on a whole bunch of other stuff you confidently pontificate on.