Get in #babkans and other #fedizens, we've made it to Friday.

That's right fedizens, we shipped another week, so prepare to enjoy a weekend of rest and fun if you can manage it.

If not, sneak a flask into work with you and take sips during your breaks. Make sure the liquid inside is clear.

I'm going to finish up the rest of this afternoon's work, andthen shut everything down.

Shabbat shalom if that's your thing, and if you're an atheist, have a wonderful Saturday absent of fuckery. I'll see you all on the other side.


Toot by AnnekeAnneke (

@yatil There are opposing ideas, and then there are mutually exclusive ideas, and respectfully I think he's mixed up these two concepts. And just to throw the other often cited tech argument in here, you cannot ship-of-theseus your way out of overlays not fixing accessibility and maybe if I an accessibility bigwig come in here they'll start working.

Toot by James EdwardsJames Edwards (

@alastc @SteveFaulkner The best thing in this scenario is that there's no such thing as a working overlay, and the worst is that overlay vendors like AudioEye now have the capital to claim that "See? Even an accessibility veteran approves of our product", whether he actually does or not. It's already been extensively documented and demonstrated that, from where things stand now, there is not an overlay solution that can fix web accessibility, because overlays are at the wrong end of the stack just for starters. Bringing on an accessibility veteran will not fix this.