Get in Babkans, those of you on, and other fedizens, we're doing Monday.

First, I'd like to congratulate Mastodon on its latest milestone, at least according to the Mastodon User Count bot. I realize that there is a dispute about these numbers, and that they do not cover the entire fediverse, but congratulations nonetheless.

John and I are just doing various chores around the house, and we will be cooking some barbecue briscuit baked beans with lil smokes later on because it's something that gives us a few meals and we enjoy it.

Also, we're reading the Tony Lord series by Richard North Patterson. We haven't rendered a verdict yet.

#bookstodon #today

An inexplicable wave of leprosy hits the southeastern US…just as prophecy predicted by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

Scientists can’t explain the source of a wave of leprosy that is cropping up in the southeastern US. But kabbalists are looking to an esoteric source describing the disease as an end-of-times punishment for evil angels and their celestial allies. The malady is prophesied to precede extreme hyperinflation that will leave the US penniless.