Toot by rameshguptarameshgupta (

@tobie1 Until he decided to publicly and openly fude with him over Rafah because he wants to win an election. He's been sending at best mixed messages since December all because he wants to appease the antisemitic block of his party and because he, like Obama, wants to show Netanyahu who's boss as if he's some sort of client king or something. And if I were Netanyahu I'd bristle at that too. And all he's managed to do in the process is ensure that Netanyahu retains his spot. If he'd have left things alone, the war would likely be over, Netanyahu would be out of power, and his corruption trial would be ongoing and he might even be in jail. Instead we're treated to Joe Biden trying to win a dick-swinging contest

Toot by rameshguptarameshgupta (

@tobie1 He clarified again yesterday that he has no intention of resettling Gaza. And honestly if I were him I'd be flipping some birds too. The international community, including sometimes Biden, has been absolutely horrible about all this, in multiple ways, including the completely over-the-top Netanyahu hate-on. The latest bit of grandstanding from Ireland ETC. just makes all of it more absurd.

Toot by tobie tobie (

@rameshgupta Up until October 7 and its aftermath, I fully supported an immediate Palestinian state. After that point, I completely understand Israeli opposition to one, at least until Palestinian politics decides they're going to quit pursuing the idea of wiping Israel off the map by any means necessary and to pursue a state instead. And as much as I dislike Netanyahu I completely understand his total opposition to the international community's attempt to shove a Palestinian state down Israel's throat immediately after October 7. It's not like the PA has gone out of its way to distance itself from that attack. It can't even manage to wholeheartedly condemn it.

Hamas-linked CAIR organizes support for anti-Israel cafe in Philadelphia by Larry Estavan

Someone broke into the Lombard Cafe in the Society Hill area of Philadelphia and left Israeli flag stickers. So the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) organized an event outside the shop and doubtless alerted the media and others. Both the ADL and the governor have issued statements of support for the vandalized shop, which has […]