@CalmWaters73 I found the prayers in Hebrew but so far haven’t found an English copy. Am curious about them.
@CalmWaters73 Yeah from what I’ve seen on the news the chief rabbis are calling for fasting and prayers for rain.
@chuck_brady1976 Which HP book are you reading?
Back from seeing HP7. Movie was very dark and very good, while the description was very light. Quite a contrast.
Going to see HP7 with Katie. We’re awesome, everyone else sucks. 😛
@nightdrake Aw, poor puppy! Hope she feels better soon.
@Blair_42 @Mexi77 I think she means broaden his horizons. But still. Kind of funny considering where he works.
@wa4wga @Goldfingas It does have a touch screen though so don’t know how you specifically would handle that.
@wa4wga @Goldfingas It’s also got accessibility built in, and if you’re already with AT&T it would be the best bet.
@wa4wga @Goldfingas Because if you want to use Skype it’s already there.
@Blair_42 That works for me.
@wa4wga I suppose there’s also the possiblility of becoming a professional student.
@Goldfingas @wa4wga Find the version that’s compatible with your phone?
@wa4wga So change what you can and learn to accept what you can’t change.
@wa4wga You seem to have an objection for every piece of advice I offer.
@wa4wga Get your bachelor’s, go for a masters and then a PHD and then apply for a professorship somewhere.
@seedofeulogy They’ve only interviewed three. And they’re really messed up. One’s a straight-up con.
watching a show on Nat Geo about people who believe they are reincarnations of Christ. Fascinating.
@CMBnet If there’s anything I can do to help you with the site let me know.
awakened by the upstairs neighbors and a migraine. I don’t like life right about now.