Hi all:

I’ve got about an hour and a half before work, and I figure I’ll post an update. I’ve been reading about custom groups or whatever it’s called, and I think I may create one for certain posts. I think it’s cool that LJ offers us that extra level of security. Sure, I could implement this at Customerservant too, and I may do that at some future point, but that’s going to require some hacking and general backendiness that I don’t have time for this morning. I’m still kind of sleepy, and I think I’d love to ban Monday from the calendar. The weekend was way too short. Mom came to visit, and given the potential for drama, the visit went off splendidly. We had steaks and watched Borat, and pulled an all-nighter Friday night, which meant I slept for a large part of the day on Saturday. I did the grocery shopping Saturday night, and just generally lazed around yesterday as well, but the weekend was still way too short. I’d love to take a three-day weekend. Well, that’s all for now. I’ll update later.

Wp seems to have eaten the last incarnation of this post, so we’ll try this again.

There’s an app I use called Online Bible, which, as the title suggests, allows one to study/read the Bible, (and whatever other books one decides to import into the thing), on one’s PC.
It’s a very powerful app, allowing, among other things, the creation of one’s own modules by simply marking up a text file.
Someone’s even created three different translations of the Qur’an for the thing, and after eight years of use, I still haven’t figured out how they did it.
The only drawback I’ve found with the program is that if you’ve acquired a ton of modules like I have, a complete install can take at least three hours, and that’s if you work at it non-stop.
What I’m trying to find out is if there is a way to create a single install for everything, so that I can avoid this if I ever have to reinstall.
You can back up all the modules, and when you’re creating modules for distribution, there’s a setup utility that can be included so that a user can run a self-extracting archive and have the module automatically install.
I’m thinking that this method may be used to create a single install, if I include all the backups in the same directory, and also include the setup utility.
I’ll post more if I get more information.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.