If you take yourself really seriously, and you sincerely believe that your presence on Twitter and/or the many times a day you tweet about your latest profit-making venture, or how your social meedia expertise should be knocking us off our feet and leaving us completely astonished and speechless, or even if you’re one of those people who feels that everyone in the universe should be clued into every second of your day, every day, this is probably not for you. But for everyone else, this is incredibly funny. Enjoy.

Mirrored from customerservant.com.

There have been a lot of people writing on my FaceBook wall, and Twitter, and LiveJournal, wishing me a happy birthday, and I wanted to take an opportunity to express my appreciation and thanks. If I didn’t write to you personally, it isn’t because I think you’re any less important than those I wrote to individually. The outpouring has been quite a bit more than I was expecting and I’m really touched. To me, this is one of the best things about social media. You stand the chance of getting up in the morning and finding a ton of well-wishes in your inbox. Thanks all, and have a very good weekend, and for those observing, Shabbat shalom.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Postie, the plugin I was using to enhance the post by email feature of WordPress, seems to be broken in the latest incarnation of WordPress. So I fixed the cron job to point to the built-in mail script, and then ran the mail script manually. And then I was reminded that posting html breaks the script. So now I have some posts to edit. I’ll do that shortly. Posting from the phone is making me wish my net book would get here faster.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I’m not sure whether or not I’ve discussed this here, but to recap, all the Mirc-derived IRC clients create issues for the screenreader. No viewing the list of messages in the email client, no viewing wwhat’s in the system tray. Basically, the only thing I can do while the client’s loaded is browse the web,and that pretty much excludes editing forms, unless you’re an excellent typist and ayou’re absolutely sure you can avoid all clerical errors. Well, I’m pretty close to perfect, but typing without a single error is beyond even my capabilities. So, the search has been on for a newer, better, more accessible client. And I’ve found it. It’s called ChatZilla, and it’s an add-on for Firefox. Now, generally, I’m an Internet Explorer user, but that’s not so much because I have this overwhelming love for the browser. But I’m really considering to FF as my browser, with the exception of some pages that rely upon IE scripts for the screenreader. The IRC add-on allows you to press f6 to cycle between views, (list of users, input, and output), the page refreshes without being intrusive, and the page is nicely laid out in two tables. The only possible criticism I have is that the messages aren’t automatically read, but if you move down to the bottom of the table containing the messages, you can see the last one. It keeps a running log, so it’s possible to catch up if you’ve missed anything. So not automatically reading for me is a very minor inconvenience. I strongly encourage anyone who’s having accessibility issues to try this add-on, and maybe even consider switching your browser too. But if you don’t opt for the latter, at least opt for the former, and try the add-on.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I just upgraded to WP2.7, and initially had problems with the upgrade due to server slowness. But it finally upgraded, the database seems to be OK, and I really like the “Quickpress” feature that’s been added. Quickpress is a tiny write panel right on the main dashboard page, that allows you to insert various types of media, (pictures, video, ETC.), and you can either save to draft or publish. I suspect that this is going to post tthis to the default category, but I can always either go edit that later or leave it. More later as I further explore this new version of my favorite blogging platform/CMS.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

This week has been an extremely long one.  I’ll be very glad when today is over and I can at least get to the weekend.  I’ve been busier than a one-legged man, (well, you know how the rest goes).  Right now I feel like my brain’s being sucked out through a straw.  I filled out my ballot last night, and I recorded it, so I’ll post the results of that, (which I’ll call something like, “The Voting Podcast” at some later date). I have’t decided whether I want to wait till the election’s over, you know, to preserve the whole privacy of voting factor, or just go ahead and do it now.  We’ll see what happens. 
Until next time. 

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.