Biden Should Stick With Trump’s Agreement To Withdraw From Afghanistan, Veteran And Foreign Policy Expert Says by Kaylee Greenlee
President Joe Biden should adhere to the agreement former President Donald Trump made with the Taliban to completely withdraw American forces from Afghanistan.

Update 15 August 2021 23:03: Daily Caller has updated the machine-readable headline of this article to read: “Biden Should Stick With Agreement To Withdraw From Afghanistan, Veteran And Foreign Policy Expert Says”. I’ve kept the original headline in the appropriate place with the edit noted below.

I agree with this entire thread, especially the action part.

Don’t get me wrong. Awareness is great. But we’ve been doing awareness now for I don’t know how many years or even decades, and it just seems to me that for every step forward we take, there are six more going backwards.

If awareness doesn’t become actuion, it’s just feel-good talk. And I’m starting to wonder if all the talk being generated around accessibility isn’t getting to a point where we’re seeing diminishing returns.

I hope and pray that the president, first lady, and everyone in his inner circle who are currently experiencing the Coronavirus also experience a complete and speedy recovery.

But I’m not extending any empathy, or simpathy, and Trump supporters who are currently all broken up and clutching their pearls over the meanness and snark of some on the left, after having spent the last several years either being strategically silent about, or making excuses for, or cheering the president’s rhetoric and conduct towards women, people with disabilities, and damn near every minority in this country can save their outrage. I do not want to hear one word about civility, or empathy, or simpathy, or charity, or even just plain old norms from any of these people.

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I’d like to raise a glass upon the new redesign of @LFLegal’s website by @nataliemac of @hiredigitally.

Lainey’s website has been, ever since I encountered it more than a few years ago, an absolute joy to browse and use.

And it just keeps getting better and better.

It’s also a joy to link to in other contexts, (Episode 19 of the Making Better podcast, for example), because I know for a fact that if podcast listeners click the link to Lainey’s site in that episode they will find everything they could possibly want to know about either Lainey Feingold or structured negotiation.

The ease of finding things became important when I was editing the intro text for the Making Better episode because I found myself in the position of having to edit text for length while also not leaving out important stuff.

Looking forward to the reign of our dolphin overlords,

A very happy user

Stellar job culture warriors! You’ve jinned up so much performative outrage over the Cuties movie that it’s now on everybody’s radar and, even better, should anyone wish to address any of the claims you’re making or frantically sharing about it, they actually have to watch it. That’s not even touching the civil libertarians who will absolutely get involved if Sen. Ted Cruz gets his way and Netflix is investigated over it, or even if there’s a credible threat of investigation. We have this thing in the US. It’s called the First Amendment. And it makes a whole bunch of things a whole bunch of us don’t like not only legal, but protected. So if you have a problem with the movie, don’t watch it, and don’t let your kids watch it. If you really have a problem with the exploitation of children, including in the pageant circuit, persuade your friends and family who are parents not to allow their children to participate, and do the harder work of assisting organizations that exist to help exploited children instead of virtue signaling about a movie on social media because it’s easier and more satisfying.

A post by Devin PraterDevin Prater (
This just has to come out. You know, thinking about Microsoft's Surface Duo or whatever, all I can think of it is that it's running Android. Why? Because hardware doesn't matter to me, not that much. Sure, RAM and CPU power matters to me, and disk space of course. But what really matters, ...

I’m just curious. Is there anyone other than Fandroids, (die-hard fans of Android) or Google who is seriously suggesting that Android is on par with Apple when it comes to productive accessibility?

On a more serious note, I think Devin’s making a very valid point. Apple may be a company I hate to love, but there’s a reason I switched from Android to Apple a long time ago and it has nothing to do with my love of corporations

The only part of Devin’s post I’d quibble with is the part about whether or not people are pushing for accessibility in the open source arena. If there’s not buy-in from project maintainers and/or project founders, accessibility is going to be an up-hill battle.

And it doesn’t help that the leadership of the open source and free software communities are basically ambivolent at best about this whole accessibility thing.

I was actually looking into getting myself a Surface, but if they’re running Android I think I’ll hold off on that.

Oh and hi devin, glad I found you on the fediverse. That was a nice Monday morning bonus.

Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with the Taliban by U.S. Embassy in Kabul
Office of the Spokesperson The below is attributable to Principal Deputy Spokesperson Cale Brown: Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met today with Taliban Political Deputy and Head of the Political Office Mullah Beradar and members of the Taliban negotiating team in Doha, Qatar, on the historic occasion of the start of peace negotiations. Secretary Pompeo urged the Taliban to seize this opportunity to forge a political settlement and reach a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire. He welcomed Afghan leadership and ownership of the effort to end 40 years of war and ensure that Afghanistan is not a threat to the United States or its allies.