Ryan Schultz (@ryanschultz@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
Attached: 1 image I'm finally at the point in my birdsite-to-fediverse journey that I filter retweets and mentions of the birdsite platform by name. I don't even bother to click through and open them, unless they mention Apartheid Clyde (and that's only because I am *FEASTING* on the schadenfreude of that particular dumpster fire!). Between that and the ongoing crypto nuclear winter, I am going to have to stock up on more popcorn! 🍿 🍿 🍿
🎅Wasted Santa🍺 (@shortwavesurfer2009@cheeseburger.social) (Cheeseburger.social)
I kinda hate activitypub things that give a link and nothing else. @amanda@acarson.wtf is a good example of this. When i see a post from that account its just a bare link. No clickable link card, no idea what its about, etc. I think its likely wordpress or something doing it but i skip all those posts and only pay attention to the @arush@indieweb.social account.

From the “I Should RTFM More Carefully” Dept.:

I screwed up the redirects on my end, so I effectively had them in twice, which, well, caused everything to loop back on itself.

I may change the identifier, but after this point, I have complete control over how things look and what gets published, (favorites, replies and boosts show up correctly while I can still publish my reads and other non-fediverse stuff without it going to the fediverse as just a link).

Thanks for letting me know about the problem, because I then had to sit down and figure out what was going on and I caught the mistake.

niconiconi (@niconiconi) (ぷにすきー)
Lawful Good: language redirect via Accept-Language. Chaotic Good: language redirect via IP address. True neutral: website only has one language. Lawful Evil: block foreign IP addresses. Chaotic Evil: website is unusable for foreign and multilingual users, as their requests are redirected to a useless demo script, initially coded by the programmer for testing, and later everynyan just forgot about it. (📎1)
Elon Admits His Content Moderation Council Was Always A Sham To Keep Advertisers On The Site by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Soon after Musk took over Twitter, he announced that no big content moderation changes would occur until after he had convened a “content moderation council” made up of “diverse” perspectives. Never mind that Twitter had actually done that years earlier. Musk will reinvent anything and take credit for it if he can. Of course, it […]

It’s Not The Decision, But The Process: Musk & The Trump Decision by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Going to put this up front, because I expect a bunch of people to not read and assume something very incorrect: I think there are valid arguments (even pretty strong ones) for why it makes sense for social media platforms to allow Donald Trump on them (there are also valid arguments against it). But, conducting […]

I felt pretty cruddy yesterday, but doing much better today. Lazing around with some books because frankly it's cold outside and I don't want to go out in it. I have both Twitter archives in hand so it's time to take Twitter off my phone I think. I'm leaving the accounts up for now but locking them. And I'm loving the image descriptions.