Since a good number of you read this blog via your friends pages on LiveJournal, I’ve decided to introduce a new feature to the site in order to acquaint you all with some of the blogs I have on my personal blogroll, as well as blogs I happen to find while browsing.
This morning, while looking at the Open Trackback Alliance blogroll on my sidebar, trying to pick which sites to visit in order to shamelessly promote myself, I found Less People, Less Idiots.
I’ve been sneaking peaks at it all day, (whenever I had a break during work), and I’ve laughed every time.
During lunch, I spent enough time reading it that I laughed so hard I cried.
It’s a mix of satire, black comedy, and political commentary, but you can’t really place this guy on any particular side of the debate.
And that’s what’s so cool.
He appeals to just about everybody, unless you’re thinking of Pat Robertson, who he makes fun of as well.
No one’s left out.
This site deserves your attention, no matter what side of the political battle you’re on, or what faith you belong to.
And in case you’re looking for something deeper, he doesn’t just make fun of people for no reason.
There’s always some message he’s trying to get across.
So give it a look-see, and leave him some comments.
Everyone’s bound to find something at least slightly amusing, and if you say you haven’t, you’re just ashamed to admit you did, and you’re feeling guilty about laughing, and you’ll probably be making an appointment with your shrink.

Taken from

I found out something about my blog today.
Everything’s all squeezed together!
But my screenreader says it’s fine!
I’ll have to fire that thing for lying.
Seriously though, I have to figure out how to fix it, because I want to play the trackback games that a lot of the other conservative bloggers are doing, because it’s just plain fun.
So hopefully, I can find some nice sighted person to help fix the design.
The site may be getting a huge overhaul soon.

Taken from

I need to be sitting here doing blog stuff about as much as I need another hole in my head.
However, I can’t sleep because I’m all stuffed up, and I’m drinking some orange juice to try to make myself feel better.
I’m also washing a load of laundry because I’m going to go to my mom’s for Thanksgiving and I found while packing that I need a few more things clean.
I’ve discovered an inline trackback plugin for WordPress and a Google adcents plugin for it as well, and I plan on installing those so I can test them out.
I’ll most likely finish this glass of juice though and head to bed.
I’ll also make a pot of coffee in the morning because I only have one soda left, and that’s for lunch.
I just started looking around at some of this blog stuff, and those who know me know how easy it is for me to get drawn into some technological persuit I have no business being in at that particular time.
But then, that’s when the funnest things strike: When you really need them not to.

Taken from

It appears as though, (after over twenty-four hours of downtime), we’ve managed to re-emerge into the webosphere. Apparently the site was being moved to a different box. A notice of the scheduled downtime would have been nice. Consequently, I’ll be changing hosts. We’ve had nothing but problems over the last few weeks, and it’s gotten beyond the level of ridiculous.

Taken from