Good afternoon everybody and welcome to Monday, the most distrusted day of the week. I got a very late start this morning but I'm not too upset about that, and I got my phone working again. I'm still not exactly sure what happened but got the battery down to 0 and when I plugged it into the battery brick to charge after its regularly scheduled cleaning, it came up like a charm. I think it may have been a faulty cable. Still drinking coffee and deciding what to have for lunch.

A good new week everybody. I hope Saturday's been good to you. This morning my phone apparently decided to turn itself off or something because it got a full charge last night but it's been dead as a doornail all day and won't turn on. Watch even shows it as disconnected although some notifications just randomly showed up a few minutes ago. Hopefully I get this sorted.

Friendly reminder to be nice to your moderators and admins, but especially the moderators. Usually, they're not waking up each morning saying to themselves "how can I make people's lives difficult/fuck up their day today?" Moderation is hard, and the bigger the size of the server/platform the harder it gets, up to the point where it's impossible to do well at scale. Wrong calls/mistakes are going to be made. Best that can be hoped for is that mistakes are recognized and corrected quickly.

I completely understand why some people might want to use something like 11labs to preserve the voice of a deceased loved-one for their own use, but did anyone check with Tunehead's family, for instance, to find out if they're OK with his being reduced to a voice print for mass consumption? That struck me as disturbing in a way I'm having trouble defining and I knew him for years. And it demonstrates why we need to be having robust ethics discussions around this kind of technology.