I just spent over an hour fighting with an admin consul with a pretty much inaccessible UI and a metric fuckton of settings. I really don’t care at this point why things on the web end up inaccessible or how it happens. If you put things on the web that are inaccessible you can go fuck yourself and you can do it until your shit is accessible. If you are a person with disabilities urging dipplomatic restraint in accessibility negotiations you can go fuck yourself too. I am tired of this shit. All I want to do is get my work done without a ton of shit, without having to fight with screen readers and browsers and switch back and forth between the best combinations and I am tired of negotiating and educating. I want to live my fucking life why is this so Goddamn much to ask? Fuck!

? I’ve read all but one of the books in the Prey Series by John Sandford and started the latest one yesterday. I’ve finished forty-two percent of Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson, and I’ve really enjoyed it. I plan to read some of his other novels, including Fall which was published this year if I can get them. The book challenge is moving ahead at full steam, but other than the Neal Stephenson books, I’m not sure what I’ll read next.

The crockpot barbecue chicken has been unit tested. Verdict: Awesome! Dinner is going to be amazing, and all the moreso because I get to have it and you don’t. 🙂 If you want it, it’s a matter of getting some of your favorite barbecue sauce and some boneless skinless chicken thighs from your grocery store, making sure they’re thawed and washed, and put in the crockpot with the sauce poured over them and cooking on high for about five hours. Cook on medium if you’re going to be gone all day. For the blinks, when it starts to sizzle, turn it off and let cool, after unit testing of course. Then, serve with veggies cooked and seasoned according to preference, and a starch, (potatoes new or red, or yams). Bread and dessert optional. If you’re going to serve with a bread, challah is great.

A huge grocery run was executed yesterday, and since I got one of the boxes with pots and pans in it this past weekend, I am making barbecued chicken in the crockpot tomorrow for dinner and mixed veggies and I am looking very much forward to it. I’m looking forward to doing a lot of cooking experimentation this summer and into the fall. I have so many recipes I want to try out. Welcome to Wednesday everybody.

Shoutout to the humans I know who work at Google and had to endure the outages Sunday and yesterday. It might be fun to snark on social media when big companies fall on their faces, but there are always humans who end up having to stick around and thanklessly fix the messes. I don’t know if any of you were caught up in that, but if you were I hope you get some extra off-time.

Wow. Apparently I have not had enough coffee yet, because I just tried to log into a WordPress install on a domain I haven’t owned for a while now. I have no idea why I even typed that domain as I haven’t thought about it in months. Maybe even a year or more. I’m not sure why it popped into my head just now. I wasn’t planning to be up this early today, but my brain woke me up around 4AM, so up it is I guess. Welcome to Sunday.

Me, after the windows have been open for a few minutes: “Something smells good coming in here. It’s probably the drier.” The Sweety: “Na, I farted.” This is how you win Friday night, I’m still laughing. Shabbat shalom y’all.

Since I have to re-add tabs to the browser, I’ve decided micro.blog gets the first spot this time. I’ll be taking a good hard look at what gets launched at startup. Maybe I’ll leave some of them off. I’m still deciding. For right now, an ice cold root beer is in order.

Sooooooooo……. Firefox updated, and after the updates were finished, all my tabs are gone. How’s your Friday going? I’m going to be so glad when this day is finally over. The universe has been telling me all day I should not be working and it’s apparently hell-bent on forcing the issue. I may take Monday off as well since I didn’t get this past Monday off. Only two more hours left.

I spent some time this afternoon converting my Facebook profile into a page so I can automatically post to it from my website. Then I jumped in the shower and, (because hot showers are excellent places for ideas), a few things occurred to me, in no particular order. First, my websites have feeds for post kinds and categories. Why this is or how this works doesn’t matter though. What does matter is that I can automatically post to any particular Facebook page with one or all of the feeds, which means I can also create a page for each category on Facebook. This means people on Facebook can consume whatever content of mine they want, and not consume the stuff they don’t want, sort of like newsletters except for Facebook, and I get to automatically post to these pages, which means I don’t have to do the work of manually copying and pasting to Facebook whenever I create content. I still haven’t figured out how I’m going to handle Twitter yet, except that I can send technical content to my business account and all the boring personal stuff to my personal account. I’ll figure out something for the stuff that may be controversial or start arguments later. I’ve sent invites to the new page to the friends on Facebook who I think are probably more interested in my personal goings on than my opinions on whatever, but just in case I’ve missed anyone I’ll also share this to my profile so that anyone who didn’t get the invite can follow it.

Damn it! This year’s first thunderstorm, (for Pennsylvania at least), just started, and I was going to leave the windows open so I could listen to it because thunderstorms are cool, but the rain was blowing in and soaking everything so I had to close them. I’ll open them again before bed since the heat is still on and this apartment is heated by boilers plus radiators and it gets hotter than hell in here unless the windows are open. Oh well, there will be other thunderstorms.