Morning all:
Today is not starting out good at all. I got up less than 30 minutes ago, and have come to the realization that there is no kaffine in the house, and it is having an adverse affect on me. Kaffine is a staple, for those who don’t know. Without it, bad things happen. For instance, I have a headache, and I hate headaches, especially the ones brought on by having no kaffine. Somebody needs to figure out how to administer Mountain Dew intravenously.

For right now, the kaffine headache has been remedied: By way of extra-strength tylenall. I suppose I could drink some of Jerry’s coffee, but it’s just too bitter. That stuff probably has cleaning properties. I should investigate that more thoroughly later on in the day.

Morning all:
Today is not starting out good at all. I got up less than 30 minutes ago, and have come to the realization that there is no kaffine in the house, and it is having an adverse affect on me. Kaffine is a staple, for those who don’t know. Without it, bad things happen. For instance, I have a headache, and I hate headaches, especially the ones brought on by having no kaffine. Somebody needs to figure out how to administer Mountain Dew intravenously.

Morning all:

This day is not starting out good. I just got up, and have come to the realization that we have very little caffine, of any, in the house, and it’s have an adverse affect on me. I hate caffine headaches! Somebody needs to come up with a way to administer Mountain Dew intravenously.

Looks like sleep is a lost cause.

I’ll go ahead and download the news and weather for Undernet in a few, and as soon as it’s dawn, I’ll pray.

I suppose I’ll stay up today, and clean up after last night.

I’ll also get the laundry finished, and I’ll most likely be asleep before Jerry gets home tonight.

Passover’s finally here, and I must say that I’m glad to see it.

I spent today cooking and cleaning, and, though I’m aware that I did not do nearly the amount of cooking and cleaning others do for the festival, I know I did at least prepare for it in something resembling a fit manner this year, and that’s worth something.

I did not have a traditional Seder, but I made the best of it.

I think this year’s celebration was my best so far.

I’m not sure why this was so.

I’m glad to have found out that Jimmy Buffett’s not an anti-semite.

This means I don’t have to stop being a parrot-head.

I made my first Jewish food today.

I tried my hand at making kugel, and it actually turned out pretty well.

I’ll have to remember to ask Jerry to get some sour cream to top it off with.

That would taste really good.

I’m planning, once again, to try to get up for prayers tomorrow morning.

I also hope to try to pray at least morning and evening prayers, although if I can manage to pray Minhah, that will be good too.

I also plan to work on the Noahide prayerbook some more tomorrow, if I feel like doing anything after I finish up with the rest of the cleaning and the laundry.

Cryptology and Physical Security: Rights Amplification in Master-Keyed Mechanical Locks by Matt Blaze
This paper examines mechanical lock security from the perspective of computer science and cryptology. We focus on new and practical attacks for amplifying rights in mechanical pin tumbler locks. Given access to a single master-keyed lock and its associated key, a procedure is given that allows discovery and creation of a working master key for the system. No special skill or equipment, beyond a small number of blank keys and a metal file, is required, and the attacker need engage in no suspicious behavior at the lock’s location. Countermeasures are also described that may provide limited protection under certain circumstances. We conclude with directions for research in this area and the suggestion that mechanical locks are worthy objects for study and scrutiny.
The Revocation of Indpendence as executed by Alan Baxter & Peter Rieden, 8th Nov 2000, apparently inspired by an email sent by Dan Fox (who claims to be the "ultimate originator") or Kevin O'Connor (who also claims to be the "ultimate originator"). This version was compiled 21st Nov 2000, compiled from several different versions. Early drafts, showing how it grew, are further down. Responses and related pieces are also included further down. Important note: The "Revocation of Independence" is NOT by John Cleese. During 2005, a version was wrongly attributed to him and was circulated crediting Cleese as the author. He did not write it. It was present on Usenet and the Internet long before his name became associated with it.