Migrating an existing site to Gutenberg, day 2, second note. I got Xampp running, and am attempting to use Bitnami to install WordPress. The Bitnami page runs better in NVDA than it does in Jaws, but the download still won’t start, so we’ll be installing this manually.

I’m going to download all the necessary stuff so that John can avoid the surprise of trying to use Bitnami with Jaws and Firefox.

You can’t tab through the page, and updating the virtual buffer is a no-go.

Even in NVDA, once you select a download, you can’t tab through the page.

Might have to see if there’s another way to do this.

Migrating an existing site to Gutenberg, day 2, first note:

This is day 2 because I ended up not working on this on Thursday and Friday of last week. I’m back at it today though.

And today’s first task: Fighting with Xampp on Windows.

I was thinking about attempting this with Desktop Server since it’s already installed, but since we’re doing the Gutenberg thing may as well do it properly with no shortcuts.

So far I have it installed but am having difficulty getting it running, (user account control appears to be the bane of my existence), but will keep trying and hopefully will have something to say once it’s running properly.

Next is installing all the tools.

53 Resources for Developers & Designers building Blocks for Gutenberg by Birgit Pauli-Haack (Gutenberg Times)
There has been an increase in developer resources around Gutenberg. We collected quite a few here. We’ll update along the way.

This resource from Gutenberg Times looks like it might be a great place to begin with Gutenberg development.

Development note: for the purposes of being able to remember gotchas when developing, I’ve added this development note with this bookmark.

While I’m not sure if this is a function of Gutenberg or not, I needed to manually input the information for the post name but not post excerpt, and I needed to manually input the site name. All of this applies when attempting to parse the information from the URL, which uses the “Parse This” portion of the Post Kinds plugin. This may mean something to look at specifically when migrating that plugin.

Migrating an existing site to Gutenberg, day 1, first note: I’m trying to catch up on the latest with what’s going on regarding Gutenberg, and I can’t help but notice all the noise.

This could be a function of my social media curation, or it could be a function of there really being a lot of noise out there, or it could be a little bit of both.

I’m going to see if I can find some sort of roadmap, although I may need to create one myself.