Get in Babkans and other fedizens, we're doing Tuesday.

Yesterday turned out to be incredibly long, and I was asleep by 6 and in bed by 8. Today has been much less hectic, and I'm glad for that. Coasting through this afternoon should be a lot less difficult than it was yesterday.

We have a new book on deck. so we'll start reading that later on. I love new book days.


U.S. National Conservatism Conference Invites Muslim Apologist Who Equates Zionism with Jihadism to Speak by Andrew Bostom

Link to pdf version: Ed Husain – National Conservatism Conference Washington 2024  Ed Husain is a former jihadist member of the Islamic Caliphate revival organization  Hizb ut Tahrir , founded by the Al-Azhar University educated Palestinian Muslim sharia judge, Taqiuddin al-Nabhani. Husain disavowed Hizb ut Tahrir, “de-radicalized,” chronicled his experience, and then created the “anti-Islamist extremism” British organization, The Quilliam Society. Perhaps […]