The advantage to documenting evereything I’m reading on my own websites is that I can find things later. I suppose that’s the same advantage to bookmarking things. Oh, and also the sharing with others. I started rereading the first Virgil Flowers book and this time, I’m paying attention. I didn’t want to put it down last night but eventually I had to go to sleep so I could get up this morning. I can’t wait to pick it up again though. I still need to pull my data out of Goodreads and into my website, and I still need to import my Facebook archive and finish documenting some other processes as tutorials.

Dear Nginx, at least this particular installation. I really fucking hate you right now. I suppose it’s not your fault, because if I had a bunch of time to dig through your conf files with a fine-toothed comb to determine all your particular configurations, I wouldn’t be dealing with this shit. But I don’t, and so I am manually checking and then resetting permissions for a fuckton of directories and files. Dear sysadmins: Please, for the love of God, if you aren’t going to be managing a server forever, or if you know you’re going to hand it off to someone else, leave an easily-findable file somewhere with a map of the server setup, so that the web developers who come after you who also end up having to manage the server while on a time crunch can quickly get up and running.

I managed to get in 30 minutes on the bike today. It looks like I will actually make my 600 points, and will be on track for my challenges this week. I am definitely looking forward to my planned break from challenges though. Also, the Minnesota Twins apparently think they are playing a football game instead of a baseball game, because they are beating the ever living crap out of Indians like it’s going out of style. Oh well, better luck next time, Indians.

921 S Pugh St, State College, PA 16801(1086ft)

37 °F Mostly Cloudy and Windy

Just a quick test after re-entering my information for my website into Icro’s WordPress posting set up. For some reason, posting to WordPress stopped working, and I’m trying to troubleshoot what the problem is. In other news, I managed to complete 30 minutes on the bike, and will likely make my 600 points for today.

Just a quick test. I attempted to publish a post using my phone on Friday, but apparently it did not publish. There was some router configuration going on at the time, so it’s very possible but it did not post because I was writing it at the same time the configuration was happening. Better luck this time, I suppose.