Get in #Babkans, #Microblogians, and other #fedizens, we're doing Monday.

Breakfast has been consumed, and we're working on consuming our first cups of coffee, and I am here to tell you in this Gregorian year of 2024 that absolutely zero people and organizations need a toolbar with 155 items shoved into their navigation menu on their website that does nothing but list all their other shitty domains they're redirecting to whatever hellsite this is. Your users probably hate you and I don't blame them. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Biden's Bully Pulpit Needs a Reboot by Josh Kraushaar
Of the many red flags for President Biden in the recent NBC News poll, the biggest is that his job approval has worsened even as public perception of the economy is on the rise. In fact, Biden’s economic job disapproval is tied for an all-time low—61 percent—as the number of Americans expressing negative views of the economic future is at its best level since April 2021.