Not sure if I’ve shared this here or not, but this is a very important post from one of the blind people that has shown me that usability and accessibility, both, are not radical. This is something that everyone could probably get something out of reading.

From Jonathan Mosen: My Address to the 2023 Convention of the National Federation of the Blind

#accessibility #blind


I was surprised to learn that the amount of right-wing conspiracy nutjob content showing up in people’s feeds on birdchan is increasing at an accelerating rate.

And by “surprised” I mean “not at all surprised.” :blobcatcoffee:

I suspect this means we’re going to see another influx of users to #Mastodon – many of whom may be coming here more out of desperation than anything else so please be kind and helpful if you have the ability to do so. I’m going to try to do the same. 😊


Accessibility widgets are not reducing lawsuits. “The number of lawsuits against companies using accessibility widgets increased slightly in 2023. We found 414 suits this year, compared to 336 in the first half of 2022 and 316 in the first half of 2021. This trend suggests that accessibility widgets may not provide sufficient protection against litigation.”


I went to my garage to let my kiddo in and for kicks I took out the #AQI monitor. says #Pittsburgh AQI is 152. The first reading is the garage when I first went out. I opened the door for ~90 seconds for kiddo’s entry & the second reading is 5 minutes later. This shows how swiftly smoke can foul indoor air if given entry. The monitor was 30 feet from the door. When they say to keep doors and windows closed, they mean it!


I think RSS is pretty neat. And Mastodon makes it really simple to become a publishing technology power user, even without fiddling with feeds yourself.

You can use it to curate your own information needs via searches right from within Mastodon (well, you could upgrade to full information junkie and get a dedicated feed reader) and you can use it to selectively push your information elsewhere in a computer readable format.

Thanks @davew and @Gargron

Share if you find this useful. Cheers!
