In reply to @weirdwriter.

@weirdwriter @MostlyBlindGamer So one more thing, because I yelled at you over this. If it makes you feel any better, this one time I started a fight with Karl fucking Groves, publicly and while sober as a judge, and I lost spectacularly. And I promise, this isn't the end of the world. So while I've yelled at your take and think it's shitty, there is online life after incredibly dumb/shitty takes in this space.

You old fucking fidiots need to step back and let people who actually know what the real risks are to this stuff do the talking.

Half these old fuckers can’t even program the clocks on their old 1980s VCRs, and we want them talking about how to approach AI? No, thank you.

Safeguards should be a thing, but let people who know something about it sort it out, not some dumbasses who think it’s a good idea to hook AI up to our weapons.


Today is an important day in assistive technology history. On June 13, 2003, the version of DECtalk that shipped with Window Eyes was compiled. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of this event, I have published a blog post titled “The strange mystery behind Window Eyes and DECtalk, evidence and analysis.” It can be found at


I haven’t watched the talks from #CSSDay yet, but this post from @adactio really resonates with me.

I’m in the middle of writing an article on how little one needs beyond web standards today to craft engaging content on the web, but I also feel like there’s so much cognitive dissonance keeping a ton of people from enjoying the evolution of these standards.

I’m with Jeremy and other like minds in thinking we need to keep making all the noise we can about this.


The fediverse has a huge community of blind and partially sighted users, as well as people accessing the internet from bad or limited connections that don’t load images. Alt-text helps everyone.

*Please* make an effort with it. If you’re on .art especially, we expect you to be either adding alt-text or using one of the many options available to ask for help with it, which can be as simple as adding an emoji to your post.


This needs to be repeated occasionally: Alcohol is a disinhibitor. It does not change your personality. It degrades the self-control you use to conceal your real personality.


Someone who’s “only a jerk when they’re drunk” is a jerk ALL THE TIME. They’re just able to control it when they’re sober.

Alcohol is NEVER to blame for anyone’s conduct.


At this point I am literally just begging you to stop putting hCaptcha in your apps. Please. I don’t know what else to do. Please. Please don’t do it. If it’s on a website we at least have a chance. As bad a chance it might be. But if it’s in your app anyone who can’t do a captcha is completely locked out. So please. Do not do it.
