Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis ( (Universeodon Social Media)
You know, it would be very helpful if our side learned to boil down our carefully observed and nuanced understandings to a thick sap that we can use to coat the rhetorical darts we fling at the other side. For instance, try this: "drag queens don't groom children, youth pastors do." Also: "the pedophiles are in youth ministry." Also: "yeah it's terrible how they cover up for sexual predators - oh, wait that was churches not drag shows." (Pro tip: say "churches", never "the Church", unless you want them to find you hilariously stupid.)
Jared White ( (Indieweb.Social)
Just in case anyone's wondering: The growth curve of the fediverse (or possible lack thereof in future) will have no bearing on my decision to leave and continue leaving proprietary corporate silos. I am in this for the long haul. 😃 Will it be difficult some days? Yes. **Even now**, there are legitimate business reasons for me to participate on Twitter and Instagram. Will I? No. The theoretical money/fame just isn't worth it. Stay strong people. Stay strong. #Fediverse Forever! ✊

Imagine the alternate universe where free software advocates trippled down on #accessibility as *the* way to solve inequality.
Their legacy becomes talking boot menus and commandlines you can actually read, a GUI you can use just as easily with a keyboard as a mouse or a head tracking device. You have the peace of mind that anything with the FOSS label on it will “just work,” regardless of your physical or mental capabilities. The brand becomes associated with longevity, and stability.

Oh well!


AnarchoNinaWrites ( (Oliphant Social)
Dear media folks covering the fascist tech sector: I need you re-read the sentence "She has a good reputation, and seems like a reliable business person even if she's working for an Afrikaner nazi supervillian to fix his rapidly breaking fascist discourse/trans pogrom machine company" again over and over and over and over until you understand what's wrong with it and why nobody likes you.

I just realized that there is so much noise about #Meta and very little about creating template legal policies that instances can adopt that prohibit commercial use of user data.

Whatever you think of defederation there are easy ways to do that. Legal policies on the other hand are complex and require expertise and often money.

Maybe #LawFedi can help crowdsource templates of strict noncommercial legal policies for the #Fediverse so instance admins do not have to figure it out themselves?


As Canada Passes Corrupt Link Tax, Meta Says No More News Links In Canada by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Two weeks ago, Canada’s Heritage Minister, Pablo Rodriguez, who has been the main Canadian government official pushing for C-18, the bullshit link tax bill, that is just a corrupt wealth transfer from one disliked industry to a favored industry, insisted that it was “unacceptable” that Meta might stop allowing links to news if the bill […]