🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (@alice@lgbtqia.space) (LGBTQIA.Space)
TL;DR: If we let Facebook play in our pool, they'll eventually shit in it and monetize our outrage. Others have already expressed these concerns, but here goes my 2 cents... Facebook doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. They've already squandered any goodwill they've been given. Facebook's whole business model is: - selling our personal info and "engagement" to marketers, - who will use that asymmetrical power to manipulate us, - with the end goal of making us consume more. To do that, they'll: - invade our spaces to gather more data on us. - change their policies when it suits them. - use their legal & financial leverage to get their way. - spin it all as a beneficent embrace of open standards, community, and competition in the market. The likely result will be: - a shift in all our timelines towards Facebook curated content. - an explosion in growth, which will errode these safe spaces–particularly LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC–that we've worked to establish. - extra costs and strain for server owners. - a foot in the door for corporations to turn the Fediverse into the same cesspool of misinformation and monetization that they've turned the rest of the internet into. --- Edit: @mcp thank you :blobhaj_cathug: for all your work for LGBTQIA.space. I know this place means a lot to a lot of people, myself included. I don't want this post to come across as adversarial to you or anyone else who cares about this community. (But Meta can still go fuck themselves) Edit 2: thank you all for the boosts! I feel like this is an important issue with the potential to affect all of us here, and I appreciate the extended reach. 💜 Edit 3: Tag your favorite instance admin! (mine's already tagged above 😘) Final edit: This was the last time *I'll* boost this post, as I don't want to be any more obnoxious than usual. Final final edit (maybe): This post was quoted in an article, you should read the article. https://privacy.thenexus.today/should-the-fediverse-welcome-surveillance-capitalism/ --- #Meta #Facebook #Project92 #Federation #Fediverse #FediBlock #DefederateMeta #FuckCapitalism #Boost #PleaseBoost
🌈Lucy🏳️‍⚧️ | Revoluciana (@revoluciana@chaosfem.tw) (Chaosfem)
I'm furious about the money & international effort spent on both the causes of the desperate migration of refugees, and the money & effort spent to block and punish rescuers & refugees alike, and to force rescuers to leave thousands of people to die. A couple billionaires drown on an $$$ and ill-advised tourist trip and it's tragedy. Thousands of refugees die and it's punishment for their crime of what? Color of their skin? Location of their birth? The amount of capital they don't own? 2/3
How I Think, And Feel, About Hunter Biden by Jay Kuo
You may have noticed that I don’t spill much digital ink writing about Hunter Biden. That’s because, all along, I have understood this for what it is: a politically-driven effort to smear Joe Biden over the checkered history of his troubled son. Even saying something is “politically-driven” these days creates chum in the water. After all, that is the current language and currency of the right, and particularly of Trump as he faces a growing number of indictments. If Democrats accuse Republicans of going after Hunter Biden for political purposes, the GOP can point to that and say to their own base, “See how this works? If