Good morning everybody and welcome to Tuesday. I'm still trying to wake up, and WordPress plugin marketers are making me cranky this morning. Also, we had doughnuts for breakfast.
Spammy marketing firm: "I don't know if you saw my last email". Me: "Yeah I keep seeing your emails and I keep deleting them and I've asked you to stop emailing me please stop emailing me FFS!"
Lunch consumed. Time to finish the last half of today. If you haven't done so, get something to eat and drink some water.
Some thoughts on why journalists pretend Mastodon is impenetrable.
Not everything that makes police dangerous comes from culture. Some comes from the law—and the way cops train to operate within it.
After his Super Bowl tweet did worse numbers than President Biden’s, Twitter’s CEO ordered major changes to the algorithm
What a fucking manchild.
The administration of Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) opposed a bill to shield menstrual data from subpoena amid post-Roe fears of abortion prosecutions.
Um, why does law enforcement need access to this kind of data?
Also, if you keep ending up on the side of making people’s lives more difficult, you might want to sit and think about why that is. Because there is no universe where “actually the state having access to menstrual data has some real society-improving advantages” is a thing.
I’m sure glad we keep sacrificing children so a small group of people can continue to make owning guns their whole fucking personality.
Twitter users can like different versions of an edited tweet, making it seem like it has more likes than it actually does. Experts say the bug could be used to spread false information.
Morning everybody and welcome to Wednesday. I guess we're doing this even though I really don't want to. Welcome new followers.
I haven't done a work playlist in a while, and by done I mean listened to. I should do that for today. Maybe something chill.
I still haven't figured out a work playlist, but I have gotten some work done and lunch has been consumed, so that's progress.

This is the saddest, most pathetic thing that any person has ever done.