House Oversight Committee Wanted To Berate Twitter’s Old Management Over Hunter Biden’s Laptop; Instead, It Revealed Trump Censorship Attempts by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

I have a confession. While yesterday the House Oversight Committee took up six hours (sorta, as there was a big power outage in the middle) wasting everyone’s time with a hearing on “Twitter’s Role in Suppressing the Biden Laptop Story,” I chose not to watch it in real-time. Instead, afterwards I went back and watched […]

Friendly reminder to be nice to your moderators and admins, but especially the moderators. Usually, they're not waking up each morning saying to themselves "how can I make people's lives difficult/fuck up their day today?" Moderation is hard, and the bigger the size of the server/platform the harder it gets, up to the point where it's impossible to do well at scale. Wrong calls/mistakes are going to be made. Best that can be hoped for is that mistakes are recognized and corrected quickly.