Elon Admits His Content Moderation Council Was Always A Sham To Keep Advertisers On The Site by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Soon after Musk took over Twitter, he announced that no big content moderation changes would occur until after he had convened a “content moderation council” made up of “diverse” perspectives. Never mind that Twitter had actually done that years earlier. Musk will reinvent anything and take credit for it if he can. Of course, it […]

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Lawful Good: language redirect via Accept-Language. Chaotic Good: language redirect via IP address. True neutral: website only has one language. Lawful Evil: block foreign IP addresses. Chaotic Evil: website is unusable for foreign and multilingual users, as their requests are redirected to a useless demo script, initially coded by the programmer for testing, and later everynyan just forgot about it. (📎1)