Dear Nginx, at least this particular installation. I really fucking hate you right now. I suppose it’s not your fault, because if I had a bunch of time to dig through your conf files with a fine-toothed comb to determine all your particular configurations, I wouldn’t be dealing with this shit. But I don’t, and so I am manually checking and then resetting permissions for a fuckton of directories and files. Dear sysadmins: Please, for the love of God, if you aren’t going to be managing a server forever, or if you know you’re going to hand it off to someone else, leave an easily-findable file somewhere with a map of the server setup, so that the web developers who come after you who also end up having to manage the server while on a time crunch can quickly get up and running.

The advantage to documenting evereything I’m reading on my own websites is that I can find things later. I suppose that’s the same advantage to bookmarking things. Oh, and also the sharing with others. I started rereading the first Virgil Flowers book and this time, I’m paying attention. I didn’t want to put it down last night but eventually I had to go to sleep so I could get up this morning. I can’t wait to pick it up again though. I still need to pull my data out of Goodreads and into my website, and I still need to import my Facebook archive and finish documenting some other processes as tutorials.