It’s 03:34, and it looks like I’m starting off the secular new year with a weird sleep schedule. But I’m not going to let that get in the way. I’ve decided that I need to fix my routine problem, and that means getting up and doing things at a set time. I still plan to get up like a human later this morning. The laundry’s done, and all I pretty much have to do today is some writing. I’m participating in NaBloPoMo this month, and am looking forward to writing with the prompts provided. Hopefully this will get me blogging more substantively. I would like to get to a point where I’m writing at least one post a day, with some really great content at least once a week, and the big goal with my site this year is to participate in NaNoWraMo, or National Novel Writing Month, in November. And these goals go along with my goals of finding a job, becoming healthier, finding my own place, ETC.

You should expect the first NaBloPoMo post later on today. I’m excited to start writing it. The only part I really have no clue about is a title for it, but practice makes perfect, and I’m sure by the end of the month I’ll get to a point where coming up with titles isn’t so hard for me.

Happy New Year everyone, and may the coming year be prosperous for all of you.


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