@jamminjerry Probably both.
@KG0BP Yeah I know. But I have to keep this shit straight for tests so I figured I’d keep my mouth shut and not act like I’m smart.
@KG0BP Oh yeah he also said a screen reader is a fourth generation language.
Testing something with sounds.
Preparing for the hurricane. Leaving here tomorrow because I’m really close to the river. Will update when possble so check this space.
@Dishnut Planning to be safe, but I think I might Flipzu it if I can.
Testing Selective Tweets so I can post hurricane updates more easily. #fb
@reevesman Yeah but it allows you to choose which tweets go to FB.
Rain expected to start this afternoon and carry on till Sunday. Tar River not included in floodwatch at this point. #fb
First bands of Hurricane Irene are coming on shore in SC / NC now. Very heavy rain, tropical storm force winds, and high waves. #fb
First rains starting… coming down hard… #fb
Making final preparations to leave. #fb