@wa4wga @Goldfingas It’s also got accessibility built in, and if you’re already with AT&T it would be the best bet.
@wa4wga @Goldfingas It does have a touch screen though so don’t know how you specifically would handle that.
@Blair_42 @Mexi77 I think she means broaden his horizons. But still. Kind of funny considering where he works.
@nightdrake Aw, poor puppy! Hope she feels better soon.
Going to see HP7 with Katie. We’re awesome, everyone else sucks.
Back from seeing HP7. Movie was very dark and very good, while the description was very light. Quite a contrast.
@chuck_brady1976 Which HP book are you reading?
@CalmWaters73 Yeah from what I’ve seen on the news the chief rabbis are calling for fasting and prayers for rain.
@CalmWaters73 I found the prayers in Hebrew but so far haven’t found an English copy. Am curious about them.
@CalmWaters73 Well, I guess people figure they’ll try anything at this point. You guys have been in drought for a while now.
Thoughts On The Wikileaks Fiasco http://bit.ly/fv7Oa1
@dmarthouse Same here. This calls for a Monty Pithon song. I like chinese…
Mother fucker! I just lost a hard drive.
@seedofeulogy OK the link is fixed now. Thanks for letting me know. I put a backslash instead of a slash, which was stupid.
@seedofeulogy Hang on I’m going to just grab it and QAudio it.
@seedofeulogy Oh and it might help if I put mp3 as the extention instead of mpe.
Thoughts on Wikileaks http://q-audio.net/i/12455
@squeakerbear One of my externals. Fortunately everything’s backed up so no data loss, but there was another drive daisy chained to it.