I’ve been a very bad blogger lately, but I suppose that’s because I’ve been busy.
First, a mazal tov is in order, for Andre, on the occasion of his engagement last weekend.
And on a completely unrelated note, I’ve decided that I need to get myself more acquainted with Office 2007, so that I can do all the neat little html things from Outlook, instead of using the writing panel.
Thanks to the holiday here in the US, I have a long weekend, and I hope to spend it resting and doing some of the things I haven’t gotten to do in a while.
I’m supposed to be going out with my aunts for a picnic on Sunday, which will be cool.
Here lately I’ve been making an attempt to incorporate more faith-based activities into my life, (prayer, Torah study, but mostly prayer), along with some exercise.
Both of these help relieve the stress, and I think I’m better for them.
The drier has finished, and so that means that my sheets and blanket are ready for bed.
So, for that matter, am I.
so I’ll end this, and I hope to post more this weekend.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

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