Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Today hasn’t been bad, although I’ll be glad to leave all the same.
I have a really bad headache.
I’ve actually gotten a few calls today, most of which ended up being non-transfers for stupid reasons.
One person called to ask if they could transfer the member to the pharmacists because the member wanted a credit on their account.
Um, no, that’s why there’s a billing department.
Pharmacists handle consultations, hence their being called consultation pharmacists.
The next one had a member on the phone who got their meds from another mail order provider, but wanted to speak to the client’s pharmacists because she used to have mail order service with the client, and felt comfortable speaking to the client’s pharmacists.
What a load of crap.
That’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard in a while, and I couldn’t believe an agent, who’s worked on this project for a while, didn’t know enough to say no.
That one didn’t get transferred either.
The last one was a call for a member who had a question about storing their meds, and I let that one through, since it seemed like a consultation question.
I’ll go ahead and save my documentation, so it’ll be there for my superiors to look at.
I can tell this is going to be fun.
I get to make fun of the retards again.
Ain’t life grand.

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