I didn’t sleep well last night. I’ve been up since about 9 something last night, and will probably stay up today, so I can put away the rest of my laundry, do some more laundry, and some other stuff. I went to Walmart yesterday, and got some new jeans, and a new shirt. I needed the clothes, since it’s been a long time since I’ve actually went out and bought some clothes, with the exception of some kippot, and some kerchiefs. Well, I did get some clothes for work a few months ago, but I didn’t buy those, so, as far as this discussion is concerned, they don’t count. I also went out to eat at a place called K&W Cafeteria. The food left a lot to be desired. I ate what was supposed to be steak and gravy over rice, black-eyed peas, (which tasted as though they hadn’t even been washed, just shucked and thrown in the pot with G-d knows what), a roll (which was actually good), and a piece of lemon pie, (which was really runny, and had very little crust). Note to self: Don’t go there on a Sunday, or probably any other day. Someone commented annonymously to one of my recent entries, asking if the Steve I mentioned is Steve Wolf of WolfFM. To answer the question: No. My Steve’s last name is ze’evi. I just happen to like WolfFM. I would like to know who it was who asked, just out of curiosity. I don’t mind annonymous comments, except that I don’t get to see a name associated with some of them. Some, though, sign their names at the end of their posts, and I like that. It puts a name with a comment.

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