Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I left work yesterday with Joe and his wife, who gave me a ride over to Wil and Denise’s apartment, which is where I’m staying for the weekend.
We’re going out with most of the rest of the people from Tech Support later on to a place called Cody’s.
Last night, Will, Denise and I went to a place called the Ail House, and we had a ball drinking pitchers of beer and eating these things called “zingers”, which are these boneless chicken wings with hot sauce on them.
We had a good time joking around.
I even learned a new slur for sighted people: Light slaves.
I think it definitely fits.
Tomorrow, we plan to go to Radio Shack to pick up the mic and adapter I need in order to podcast with the PacMate.
We also plan to consume more beer.
I’ve started taking calls at work, and I’ve gotten used to being on the phone.
They’re still monitoring me, and apparently there are some things I still need to be trained on, but other than that things seem to be shaping up.
I think they could have had this training done in two weeks, but what the hell.
It’s off to breakfast for me, (coffee and muffins), but there’ll be more later.

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