Today has been full of unexpected tasks, namely the complete reconfiguration of my user account on my ultrabook. This all started when I attempted to update my username and password in my anti-virus suite, and it went downhill from there. There were several crashes, and when the computer finally restarted normally, all my settings and software were disappeared. Given the problems the thing is exhibiting, I’m beginning to wonder if the SSD drive in it is failing. As if I need something else to replace.

While I worked, I started listening to the next book in the Prey series by John Sandford, Eyes of Prey. I haven’t gotten that far in to it but so far, I think this one might be the best one so far. It’s incredibly creepy. I plan to post a review when it’s done.

I’ve taken on the task of writing every day, and so far this week I’ve managed to write at least something each day, although most of it has not and will not be posted. But this is the only writing I’ve been able to get done today. It helps that I can walk away from the computers and sit outside and write. It’s a lot less stressful out here.

Tomorrow while i’m disconnected I plan to catch up on this week’s Torah portion. It’s the one with the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. I read the corresponding part in Legends of the Jews, which is a compilation of all the legendary material from the Midrash on the biblical characters, and in that material she gets a name (Zuleika) and there’s a ton more drama. If you’re interested you can find the collection online by doing a Google search for Legends of the Jews.

It’s past crunchtime so I’ll end for now. Until next time. Shabbat shalom, and everybody else have a great weekend.

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