The university’s FDR Dilemma: Why campus leaders cannot confront antisemitism

Franklin Roosevelt betrayed the Jews and won the war. So too, our university leaders may ride out this latest spate of anti-semitism, and continue to realize their objectives for more robust social justice programs. But, the cost will be the further politicization of American universities, and the deeper entrenchment of anti-semitism on campuses.

Toot by Samuel ProulxSamuel Proulx (

@cordova5029 I think it's great to hold yourself to a standard, as long as there's room for when you're unable to meet it. I'm very glad to hear though that this is a you holding yourself to a high standard thing though and not something else. OK back to things that should be but aren't. I should have a lifetime supply of free alcohol and chocolate. Oh and I should be appointed supreme ruler of the universe.

Toot by Samuel ProulxSamuel Proulx (

@cordova5029 The most workable solution to the specific case of music is that it, like logos or similar, has an exception because there isn't a practical way to make all things accessible to all disabilities. It's kind of like saying "Blind people should be able to fly planes!" Well yes blind people should be able to do lots of things but flying planes just isn't going to happen in the foreseeable future for a whole bunch of reasons and it's just something that has to be lived with.