Get in Babkans and other fedizens, we're doing Monday.

We're taking advantage of the abnormally low temperatures. The high's only supposed to be 75F (23C), so we have all the windows open and I've dragged out some lite pants along with a long-sleeved shirt. I don't think I'll regret this.

Also, welcome to the second half of 2024. It's all downhill from here.


Jihad Terror Supporters Came to LA’s Congregation Adas Torah for a Fight by Daniel Greenfield

They brought bear spray, weapons and masks. After the hate and violence outside Congregation Adas Torah, a synagogue in the Pico Robertson Jewish community of Los Angeles went viral and became a national news story, the perpetrators and their political allies, including those in the media, scrambled to justify it. The rationalization put forward are that… […]