Absolutely stellar job Republicans. Extra credit for further traumatizing a survivor of rape in the process. Bless your little hearts you’re just so overflowing with that wholesome Christian love we all just can’t get enough of that I’m overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude and completely at a loss for words as to how I should express my praise.

Students fight back against a book ban that has a Pennsylvania community divided from cnn.com

1. This left-wing cancel culture is out of control. 2. I’ve been repeatedly told by the anti-woke that the concern is over things like the 1619 Project and figures like Robin Di Angelo and Ibram Kendi. I’d like to believe that’s what’s really going on here but somehow I’m not convinced. 4. Wait, I’m confused. Is banning ideas and/or words bad or good? I keep receiving mixed signals on this from both Real True Patriots ® and Real True Intellectual Free Minds ® and as a result I’m having trouble with accommodating this much whiplash. Perhaps Bari will manage to fire up yee old Substack and clear all this up between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, because I’d hate to think all that stuff about exposure to ideas you don’t agree with is just bullshit designed to generate clicks and subscription dollars. So far the Substack Intelligencia, the Intellectual Dark Web, and the signatories of the Harper’s Letter have all been unavailable for comment, but I’m sure they’ll be on this as soon as possible.