Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

When I go into work this morning, I’m supposed to find out about the solution they’ve come up with to fix the non-productivity problem.
I think they’ll have me doing admin overflow work at first, which is fine with me.
Here’s hoping things don’t snag.
I hope to be able to post less from work, or at least have work-related stuff to post about, and post most of the news items at home, as it should be.
I had digital cable installed yesterday, (or at least, the cable guy brought the boxes by), and I’m switching to VOIP phone service as well.
Sprint really stuck it to me, and I’d like to be able to save some money.
It looks as though I’ll be able to pay only $70 a month for cable, high-speed internet, and phone service.
Not bad.
The VOIP guy’s supposed to come back out this evening because he had the router set as a bridge, so it wouldn’t get its own IP.
I should have all that working by 21:00 this evening, assuming everything goes well.

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