I just got a new client from Jerry, and am now testing it. It’s proving to be a bitch using it on a laptop. Half the damned hotkeys don’t work, because JAWS uses different commands on a lapbop keyboard. Will keep trying with it. I haven’t uninstalled the old client, so if this one doesn’t work out, I’ll just go back to using it.

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7 thoughts on “

  1. Allo.
    I just added you. So we can continue the debate in here, if you like, rather than cluttering Gina’s journal.
    A North Carolinian! Who’d have thunk it. 😛
    My wife is from there. Goldsboro, to be precise…closer to Raleigh or fayetteville than Greensville, I think.
    P.S. Why do you write G-d? I’ve never seen that before.

  2. Some Jews, though not all, tend to write G-d instead of God in situations where the writing might be printed out, in order that the printed writing can be thrown out, for example, without defacing God’s name. The word God really doesn’t fall under this though, because we don’t believe that God is God’s name, or even one of them. It only really applies to names of God and titles in Hebrew. I mainly do it just out of habit, and not thinking to do otherwise. I’ll also add that even those Jews who consider it necessary to abbreviate God won’t go around telling anyone else they’ll be forever damned for not abbreviating it. It’s pretty much just left to private discretion, in other words, between yourself and God, as most issues of belief are left to private discretion.

  3. That’s very interesting. I can’t say I understand why one would feel the need not to use even one of god’s names…but eh, I’m just a godless heathen. :P..but thanks for clearing that up..it’s honestly something I don’t think I’ve ever heard of before.

  4. It’s not a matter of using one of G-d’s names. It’s a matter of misusing one of them: Using it in a situation where it is not appropriate. In prayer, for instance, names of G-d, (Yehovah, Elohim, El Shadai, El Elyon, etc.), are used just as my or your name is used in ordinary conversation. Prayer, for Jews, is conversation with G-d, not just asking for what we want, but also talking about what’s gone on or going on in our lives. Sort of like a We take verses like “Cast your burden on Yehovah, and He will sustain you” seriously. I guess the best way to put it is: For a Jew, prayer is intimacy with G-d. Anyone who has a significant other, or husband or wife, isn’t going to go around sharing all of the details of their relationship with others, and may even allow certain publicly known misinformation that, by today’s standards, casts one or both people in the relationship as prudish in order to protect the sacredness of the relationship. Just as certain petnames for your significant other are used only in certain situations, so we use the names of G-d fully only in certain situations. OK, this probably should have been a journal entry. LOL!

  5. allright. It makes a sort of sense…though I never really got the comparrison between God and a significant other or father figure. The latter makes sense from a psychological standpoint, as I kind of agree with Freud that religion is probably a substitute for parental guidance. SO as “god” is actually not one of the sacred names, couldn’t you write it out..say, without the capital g?

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