Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I’ve been playing around with the Get_custom plugin to see if I could get it to work a litle better than I did the first time I glanced at it, and I’m pretty pleased with what I’ve been able to do with it.
Now, I can add current mood, reading, and whatever else I want to to the site, just by adding a custom field.
I’m really pleased with this plugin, and I recommend it to anyone who likes to tweak.
And BTW, it looks like the syndication monster didn’t bite me after all.
The feed publisher just doesn’t publish an excerpt.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I posted earlier in the week that I had implemented a moods feature for the site.
I now have a much easier way to handle this feature.
Earlier, I had to enter in a custom field for each post, wait for it to update, and then publish the post, which ended up creating a draft for the post that was already published.
Since I’m not a fan of unnecessary work, I felt this needed to change.
So I found a plugin that will allow me to specify current mood, music and what I’m watching on TV, if anything.
It will allow me to select from drop-down lists, at least for the mood, and hopefully won’t require any of the unnecessary work I so loath.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I’ve spent the last several hours implementing some new features for the site, namely the ability to display current mood, reading, music, location, ETC.
It’s been rather frustrating.
I’ve spent most of my time tinkering with the code that effects the display, not the code that allows for the information to be entered in.
My sleep schedule’s all screwed up, thanks to my work hours being like they are.
I’ll probably go to bed for a little while later on, but I don’t want it to be an all-day thing, because I want to be able to sleep later tonight.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Today will be a light blogging day, because, (shock), I actually have work to do that will keep me busy for most of the day.
I’m hoping we can continue this trend, so I can call myself productive, and so I can save the blogging for when it’s supposed to be done, either at home, on a break, or in reaction to something actually happening at work.
It’s just weird to be sitting at work, blogging about everything else but.
I’d rather be sitting at home.
Speaking of work conditions, it’s 800 degrees back here.
I’ve gone up front to have a service request put in so the heat can be turned down.
I’ve also asked for AOLIM access, since that’s what everyone on the floor uses, and it would save me from having to go up front to ask a question.
I could just IM the appropriate person instead.
More later.

I’m having an interesting problem with the new client I’ve downloaded for handhelds.
I’ve entered the password I use for Livejournal, and it tells me that it’s invalid.
Would any of you who visit hotspot locations have any input?
I’m using the client for Pocket-PC/Windows CE devices.
Thanks for any help you can give.