Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I was reading through my LJ Friends page, and came across a post by a new ex-Christian.
She says she used to work for the 700 Club’s prayer hotline, which got me thinking about all kinds of humorous things.
Like, what would happen if I called and told them that I’m blind, gay and Jewish, and I’m so ashamed of myself I want to commit suicide, and I need someone to pray for me?
And then, wait a month or two, and write a letter telling my story, and now, thanks to J, everything’s peechy.
Yeah, don’t mind me, I’m sick.


Current Mood: none

I found out something about my blog today.
Everything’s all squeezed together!
But my screenreader says it’s fine!
I’ll have to fire that thing for lying.
Seriously though, I have to figure out how to fix it, because I want to play the trackback games that a lot of the other conservative bloggers are doing, because it’s just plain fun.
So hopefully, I can find some nice sighted person to help fix the design.
The site may be getting a huge overhaul soon.

Taken from customerservant.com