I just got a new client from Jerry, and am now testing it. It’s proving to be a bitch using it on a laptop. Half the damned hotkeys don’t work, because JAWS uses different commands on a lapbop keyboard. Will keep trying with it. I haven’t uninstalled the old client, so if this one doesn’t work out, I’ll just go back to using it.

OK, I promised I’d comment on the Judas documentary, so here goes.
Over all, the documentary was good. It attempted to show that there is another possible way to look at Judas, namely that he isn’t as evil as he has been portrayed. My only disappointment with it is that while the writers went out of their way to prove Judas’ innocence, they still lay the blame for Jesus’ death on the Jews. If you’re going to tear down one aspect of traditional beliefs about the gospels, tear them all down.

OK, I promised I’d comment on the Judas documentary, so here goes.
Over all, the documentary was good. It attempted to show that there is another possible way to look at Judas, namely that he isn’t as evil as he has been portrayed. My only disappointment with it is that while the writers went out of their way to prove Judas’ innocence, they still lay the blame for Jesus’ death on the Jews. If you’re going to tear down one aspect of traditional beliefs about the gospels, tear them all down.

I’ve spent the morning doing the housework, so the kitchen, my bedroom, the livingroom, and the bathroom are all clean. Dishwasher is in the loading state, in other words, any dishes in it are dirty. So endeth all useful activity for the day.

I can’t sleep, so I figure I’ll post. I slept a little earlier tonight, but it looks like I’m up for the day. I hope I can manage to do something useful today. I need to clean the house, or at least my room, and wipe down the kitchen and clean the bathroom. I hate not fucking working. It drives me insane. I hope this Red cross job works out, so I can make money, move, and start a new life in a new city, with public transportation so I’m not stuck. For the record, Greenville sucks if you’re a blink. The weather was really nice last week, and I was lovin’ it. But now, it’s cooler. I can’t wait till it warms up again, so I can keep the windows open. I think it’s supposed to warm up by the end of the week, so that’s good. Just a few more days of this shit, at least for a little while.

I can’t sleep, so I figure I’ll post. I slept a little earlier tonight, but it looks like I’m up for the day. I hope I can manage to do something useful today. I need to clean the house, or at least my room, and wipe down the kitchen and clean the bathroom. I hate not fucking working. It drives me insane. I hope this Red cross job works out, so I can make money, move, and start a new life in a new city, with public transportation so I’m not stuck. For the record, Greenville sucks if you’re a blink. The weather was really nice last week, and I was lovin’ it. But now, it’s cooler. I can’t wait till it warms up again, so I can keep the windows open. I think it’s supposed to warm up by the end of the week, so that’s good. Just a few more days of this shit, at least for a little while.

Well, there’s no solution for the kaffine problem as of yet, but I ate just a little while ago, so we’re no longer running on emergency impulse power. I’m getting some laundry done, and I talked to Steve earlier. That’s good, because I haven’t talked to him in a few days, and I was getting concerned. He’s been extremely busy, working his ass off. I hope he can take some time off work soon, so I can go see him. That wold be cool.

I just took the grammar aptitude test. Here are my results. I wonder how many comments I’ll get from those who know me, and think the language used below should be much harsher.
 Grammar Fuhrer
You are the grammar Fuhrer. All bow to your
You will crush all the inferior
people under the soles of your jackboots, and
any who question your motives will be
eliminated. Your punishment
is being the bane
of every other person’s existence, because
you’re constantly contradicting stupidity.
Everyone will be gunning for you. Your
of a master race of spellers and grammarians
frighten the masses. You must always watch your
back. If only your power could be used for
instead of evil.

What is your grammar aptitude?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, there’s no solution for the kaffine problem as of yet, but I ate just a little while ago, so we’re no longer running on emergency impulse power. I’m getting some laundry done, and I talked to Steve earlier. That’s good, because I haven’t talked to him in a few days, and I was getting concerned. He’s been extremely busy, working his ass off. I hope he can take some time off work soon, so I can go see him. That wold be cool.

Morning all:
Today is not starting out good at all. I got up less than 30 minutes ago, and have come to the realization that there is no kaffine in the house, and it is having an adverse affect on me. Kaffine is a staple, for those who don’t know. Without it, bad things happen. For instance, I have a headache, and I hate headaches, especially the ones brought on by having no kaffine. Somebody needs to figure out how to administer Mountain Dew intravenously.

For right now, the kaffine headache has been remedied: By way of extra-strength tylenall. I suppose I could drink some of Jerry’s coffee, but it’s just too bitter. That stuff probably has cleaning properties. I should investigate that more thoroughly later on in the day.

Morning all:
Today is not starting out good at all. I got up less than 30 minutes ago, and have come to the realization that there is no kaffine in the house, and it is having an adverse affect on me. Kaffine is a staple, for those who don’t know. Without it, bad things happen. For instance, I have a headache, and I hate headaches, especially the ones brought on by having no kaffine. Somebody needs to figure out how to administer Mountain Dew intravenously.

Morning all:

This day is not starting out good. I just got up, and have come to the realization that we have very little caffine, of any, in the house, and it’s have an adverse affect on me. I hate caffine headaches! Somebody needs to come up with a way to administer Mountain Dew intravenously.