I wrote this yesterday, and attempted to post it via email, but since it didn’t post, i’m reposting. It was originally written yesterday evening.

I’m going to break all the supposed blogging rules and say sorry for not updating in so long. I’ve been busy doing the usual things, working, working and working. I’ve been trying to keep at least one book going on the reading list, but the one I’m reading now, The Secret Magdalene by Ki Longfellow, is just not keeping my interest. I’m going to finish it, because I try to finish everything I start, but it’s taking a lot of will power. I’ll probably write a fuller review later. I talked to Gina for quite a while today on the phone. I really should make it a point to keep in touch with her more. We had an enjoyable conversation. I have the messengers up most of the time during the day, so I need to make it a point to contact her at some point. I’m not ready for the weekend to end. Weekends are always way too short. Hopefully this week will be uneventful. More later.

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