It turns out that the guy who had been contracted for the accounting software integration had modified the active theme to include an obscure and weird PHP class that syncs the available products/SKUs with the accounting software.

This was a heavy task and took about a minute to run manually and was triggered by a request to index.php, using a specific GET parameter.


I didn’t find anything in the list of cron jobs on that machine and WordPress did not have a plugin or a wp-cron job that indicated anything happening every 3 hours.

The guy also rambled something about our machines being seriously underprovisioned, so we allocated more memory and CPU cores for this and while it did recover quicker, it still crashed regardless of havin 16 GB of memory and 4 cores.

And it was index.php of all things that was blowing everything up every 3 hours on the hour.


So I started monitoring things — and yes, it the server crashed every 3 hours as exponential amounts of memory were being reserved until the machine crashes.

I had a hard time isolating the issue as it seemed to stem from index.php (which is unusual), so I did the usual thing and cleaned out some large-ish values from the wp-options table and installed memcached.

Then I contacted the guy who had done this accounting software integration, who rambled something about a cron job.


An issue that I ran into last week:

A business sought me out because of an issue with a #WordPress site they were running. The server got overloaded and crashed every 3 hours for half an hour at a time and it was important to get to the bottom of this.

The hints that I got were that the site had been migrated to a new server in order to isolate it and that the issue started when someone was hired to integrate certain accounting software with it. 🧵


Twitter: I follow news and political giants, but all I see are bad people and arguments
Bluesky: I follow 10% of my old friends who were able to get out of twitter in time and sometimes it works
Threads: I follow my friends but I can’t see them through the algorithm of businesses
Mastodon: oh look a beekeeper in the Netherlands


@Tirial @stavvers Relativistic dickfarts will likely affect the launchperineum like a SpaceX superheavy test in a Texan nature reserve. Also, at relativistic speeds it’s going to compress the air in front of it so much in the first millimetre or two that it’ll induce fusion reactions between oxygen and nitrogen nuclei, never mind hydrogen (according to XKCD, who Know These Things).

Could be new underwear time!


I have finally read Justice Sotomayor’s powerful dissent in 303 Creative. In the end, she reaches for our better angels. “But that does not mean that we are powerless in the fact of the decision. The meaning of our Constitution is found not in any law volume, but in the spirit of the people who live under it.”

I do not have Justice Sotomayor’s optimism right now.

#SCOTUS #equality #fedilaw #law #LGBTQ


@stavvers So, I did some rough math based off the initial post mentioning a 4000 mile fart-powered dick travel distance.

A projectile travelling 4000 miles on a ballistic curve with no additional propulsion needs to be launched at a velocity of 198 miles/s, or 318.6km/s.

Assuming the dick is erect (makes for a more optimal projectile), an average human penis length of 13.2cm and average circumference of 11.66cm (source: wikipedia) we can calculate the weight of the dick by using the average density of the human body (0.98g/cm3) to get the a mass of 139.9g.

An object with a mass of 139.9g travelling at 318600m/s has a kinetic energy of roughly 7.12GJ, which (again according to wikipedia) is somewhere between a Boeing 767 and and Airbus A380 at cruising speed.

It is therefore safe to say that any animal impacted by the dick shortly after launch, would suffer complete destruction.


Saw someone talking about the edit button on here and I shamefully have to admit that I was one of those people who believed Twitter should never have one, because “what if I like a post and then a guy changes it to nazi shit” and “how am I gonna prove what that nazi said to me to make me go off like that in the reply, otherwise?”

Two things I learned when coming here, and I learned them very quickly

A) about 80% of my worries are covered by Mastodon giving me a notification that the post I liked or boosted, has changed – I just read it again and if it’s a problem, I unlike/boost.

B) the remaining 20% of my problem is more or less solved by having a server admin who is on MY side against, well, literal fucking nazis, and doesn’t want me to spend all of my time building airtight cases to prove nazis are harassing me beyond the shadow of even unreasonable doubts, before they’ll do anything.

The edit feature is fine. The problem was Twitter.
